Dual GPS setups

With “my” esp 32 module, I always select nodemcu-32s as board.
So it is now working?

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Yes, but nodemcu 32s wouldn’t work. It finally worked on esp32 dev module. Weird huh
Just trying to get programs loaded before PC’s get here

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Okay, I got it loaded, and the access point comes up. It says data transfer by wifi(udp).
I’m still learning, is this the correct ino to use with the w5500 ethernet module ?

Hi, can you confirm me than on ardusimple the print RX2 is TX2 and print TX2 is RX2 ?

Yes that’s right.

Thank you

Jhmach: Trying to get my node mcu ready for when PCB gets here. I think its loading fine. it says hard reset via rts when it is done uploading. closed arduino on desktop. unplugged and then plugged back in the node mcu to the desktop to power it. opened tablet and turned on wifi…5 minutes later nothing showing in available networks on tablet.

tried a 2nd board same result

@kansasfarmer Try pressing the Boot or EN buttons. Sometimes my ESP32s get ‘stuck’, and this gets them going again. Your mileage may vary…

My impression is that the code is uploading. Would you agree based on the message i posted a picture of?

Yep, that’s a good sign. Its loaded

I have also seen some old configuration files render a ESP32 unusable, so I had to wipe/erase the ESP32 completely before uploading the code again. This wouldn’t apply to a new ESP32 of course.

Jhmach i tried your code when i came in for lunch. and it works now! Not sure what made the difference. Is it just because you changed the time

I believe so. Its hard to set and wait for the timer to run out before the access point comes up.
Glad it’s working

so i got a new ESP DUINO board and i think it is working stacked with 2 rtk2b. When i hook up to aog V5 beta it will show a paogi sentance coming in. their is roll and heading. but not latitude and longitude, although it does show altitude. is this normal. Its not showing the " IM LOST " message.
Screenshot (28)

Might check rx/tx cables. :slight_smile: meaning double check and think again. :slight_smile:
Been there last night, was looooooosing my mind.
TX is not always TX even if printed on nice pcb…
Everything worked ok at workbench, then made simple enclosure, took jumperwires off and assembling back to enclosure, forgot that what went where…
Of course didn’t go read manual, I have done that once, so took little thinking what went wrong. (eventually I did read the top of ino…)
Also if using mtz8302’s code, take look at webinterface, what is checked what is not.
Can also put terminal to espduino and put debugmode(s) on from esp-code, can dig what comes and what doesn’t.
Might be just me, but I had feeling at somepoint that save did not everytime save setting.
For me helped to take look at u-center also, can confirm that both gps’s get rtcm-messages thru and if there is relposned message ok in u-center. After that its between gps and esp. (or somewhere else)
Also notice nice blinking leds (xbee something), on both devices should blink quite rapidly (460000 bits per second is fast).
What else went wrong last night… also if using arduino headers, remember ioref to 3.3v.

Warning. I’m not a pro, take as warning, I might have told something wrong also… But I have heading and roll.
On 80 cm baseline between antennas I get on static test … like to say 100% nailed heading, roll is going there and there, was -0.4 at somepoint, have been -3 and now sits on -1.1.
But, i have every “checking” for validity off from esp-code for testing.
Antennas have quite limited skyview also.

Dit you select ogi in ago

No would that be the proper way to do it?

I use dual with Matthias code, I tested this morning, if you stay with gga in ago, heading, roll and speed work but not latitude longitude.

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Need a small gadget that could safely test rx/tx polarity. Maybe a LED that flashes when there’s data to indicate the tx line.

I loaded Matthias’ beta, and this is all I get. Have check for wifi set at 10s, and it never brings up the access point. Am trying to get dual pcb from Benjamin to work with w5500.
I have the Greenwitch corrected version working with wifi, but it doesnt work with ethernet.
Any ideas ?