Where do I even start as I’m new to all of this. The tractor is supposed to have factory integrated steering that i would like to connect to. I have already acquired the Ardusimple simpleRTK2B Starter Kit LR and am getting acquainted with how it works.
I have read through Steering a '22 MF 6718S over CANBUS and have scratched the surface of CanBus for Beginners - Super Simple. The more I read the more I get confused and lost. I know just enough about building computers and coding to know I dont understand about half of whats going on. Any help is appreciated.
Im sure within that cabus thread someone has contacted to a challenger via the canbus socket.
If it is steer ready over canbus the canbus pcb would probably be the best to go for.
If its not on canbus then you could still use the tractors steer ready hardware but the aio pcb would probably be best as you can wire up the steering valves directly to the ampseal connector and all the existing hardware.
Might be best to put up some more information on your tractor, the age of it. Some pictures of the steer valve and the diagnostic plugs in the cab and im sure someone will be able to advise
Theres a few posts regarding the challenger if you look towards the endish of the thread scrolling through slowly
It’s a 2015 with factory ISO bus. Can’t seem to find where the steering valve would be on it. Here’s some pictures of the can plugs and a wiring harness I found in the cab.
That cable is to connect laptop to the autoguide receiver on the roof for updates or to get nmea from the receiver.
In the RH rear corner of the cab near the floor there should be a 4 way deutsch connector labeled bus extension. This is where we connected to the isobus to test on a 755C. It’s also where the autoguide monitor would connect. You could also connect through one of the diagnostic connectors in your pictures but I’m not sure witch one.
I forgot about a training manual a cousin had hooked my up with, it has a few simplified wiring diagrams and pin outs . If I read it right the bottom diagnostic port should be attached to the auto guide.
Does your wiring correspond to pins c and d as thats what most use for steering
Maybe agleader have some hints for you in the PDF here. https://portal.agleader.com/community/s/article/5347?language=en_US
Ok, I think I’m finally getting somewhere. I am going to go the same route as Tony by ordering an Arduino Uno Rev2 w/ WiFi and can bus shield. If I understand right i can stack my simpleRTK2B with everything. I went with the Uno Rev2 because it has an integrated IMU. Do I also need a motor controller, if so what one would work with this setup?
My suggestion is to use a teensy with Tony’s canpcb or an all in one pcb. I know there is no code written for challenger and the uno.
As RGM suggested Stick with the canbus board or the aio pcb and the teensy
Dang. Wish I would have saw that before I ordered the boards. Might still be able to use them with our Massey tractors. I wonder if the Massey code would work with the challenger?
The aio and canbus boards are more popular and better supported probably best to try and make it as easy as possible
With some code modification you could use the uno with can shield but the Massey code won’t work as the challenger can messages are different
I got the AIO PCB up and going. Its talking to my computer but I cant get the tractor to recognize it. I used lansalot’s teensy flasher for programming. I might be a bit confused on which program to use. The only one I can get to work is All-in-one (for v4.x).
Try flashing the teensy via ide. There are a few variations of the canbus codes in different folders.
Ive used this code in the past with good success on jcb