Grade control

was this done in optisurface?

No, it was done with EFT, a free to use program, it is complicated to extract
the .agd file but its use is quite intuitive.


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I would use that alot too. I have used agps dirtpro and in there you would capture a contol point and then have a place for entering your north south slope and east west slope based off your control point. A positive number was for a rise to the north and east. My coding is very limited so not sure how hard that would be to do. Our land is really flat here so most of our ditches are done at one slope.

Looks like EFT is limited to US coordinates, cannot select European UTM zone. Wonder if there is any easy solution.

I do the survey with OpenGrade and from the SurveyAutoSave
with Excel or OpenOffice I remove latitude, longitude, code, fix, Quality and it remains, easting, northing, altitude
I open EFT and continue as in the movie up to Print report, with the generated pdf file and the Opengrade files I generate the file
.agd, the only solution is to number the data in order to copy and paste with excel without errors. Itā€™s a job
boring but I have not found any other way to extract ā€œgradeā€ files from EFT software.

@NorthernFarmer @Stem Can give more info of what input coordinates are needed exactly? It donā€™t work with latitude/longitude?

Exactly does not work with latitude and longitude but with easting and northing.
Data found in the Survey AutoSave.txt file generated by OpenGrade3D during the survey phase.
I use easting, northing, for EFT and latitude, longitude, for OpenGrade3D, for this reason
you have to name each datum with an increasing number 1-2-3-4-etc at the beginning of the project to make the change
at the end to generate the .Agd file consisting of Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, CutAltitude, FillAltitude, Comment
where for CutAltitude, FillAltitude you have to insert the ā€œgradeā€ value by extrapolating it from the .pdf file generated by EFT.
Important is the Comment value which must be 3GRD to be taken into consideration
by OpenGrade3d.
Lots of excel and Notepad.

Can you write or give an example how exactly the file must look like for EFT and how it look like coming out from EFT?
It is easy to output the numbers differently (create a other file) from OG3D, I could give a shoot.

The file thus composed must be removed from the first row
because during the selection of the format you can choose
between various options. If OpenGrade3d generated a file composed in this case ā€œPENDZ: Point Name, Easting, Northing, Elevation, Descriptionā€
it would be great.
EFT also generates an .xml file where I am sure it contains the ā€œgradeā€ data but I cannot extract it.2.txt (4.0 KB)
reportOut6415745488661448283.pdf.txt (764.4 KB)

Here is an example of an .xml file created by EFT.prova2.xml.txt (50.8 KB)

Should easting/northing, altitude be in foot or meter?

I will give a try tomorrow.

here this exe build an metric and an imperial txt for EFT
OpenGrade3D.exe.txt (1,3 Mo)

Just replace with your exe and give it a try.

It would be easiest if EFT output some text file to put back in OG3D.
it only outup an .xml and a .pdf?

If you already made a survey with the last version of OG3D and have the SurveyAutoSave.txt your can build the file by reopening the field in simulator mode and adding some points to the existing survey.

To proceed:
1 Save a copy of SurveyAutoSave.txt somewere else for backup, it will be lost if something goes wrong
2 open OG3D in simulator mode
3 Enter the lat/long from survey txt in the simulator box
4 Open the field
5 In survey mode click ā€œsurveyā€ then ā€œuse autosaved surveyā€
6 put 3-4 more pts then finish survey
7 the file is created, just erase the few last pts.

Thanks I tried the new exe and it works great, I used the
metric file and I made the conversion to imperial to EFT and it matches perfectly.
Yes, the best would be to ask the EFT staff to export a practical file for us.
EFT also exports Survey Points but I canā€™t see the ā€œgradeā€ data in their place
there are T. Iā€™m certainly wrong, anyway thanks an important step forward.ccc.txt (2.0 KB)

My mistake, just installed and tried with an existing file with latitude/longitude samples.
Thanks Pat.

This looks like a great project, how is it going

Oh that is all finished a year ago. And has turned out really well.

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Iā€™m trying to learn as much and fast as possible. When you say load valve, do you mean hydraulic pressure transducer. And when you say proportion valve do you mean flow control.
This project as absolutely amazing. The multinational companies charge 20-60k here in Australia. So you can do X,Y,Z ?
If so may I see a video of auto level mode including auto steering all happening at the same time please

Why wouldnā€™t grade control and auto-steer work at the same time? Or are you expecting both controlled by the same application? Why? Usually you would anyway have two antennas, one at the tractor for auto-steer an the other one at the blade for altitude monitoring.

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AutoSteer donā€™t work in OpenGrade/OpenGrade3D.
But maybe you could run AOG at same time on same computer with a second antenna, I have never tried.

What do you mean by x,y,z?