Hydraulic valve assemblies for Every tractor, for every type of hydraulic system

If there is a demand for this type of block, I can make it. I made such a project a long time ago, but I’ll rethink it and try to make it as compact as possible.


Hi So I got my block installed on a case magnum 215, very similar to the way wildBuckwheat did, but I did not use the power beyond, the tractor had a old style setup on it and I reused the hoses but had to make new ones for the ls lines. The pressure and tank lines each have a tee in them and the hoses go to the corresponding oribtal and the valve block ports, The steering lines also have tees in them so one line goes to one S on the valve and the other to the other S on the valve, and I have capped the two O ports on the valve. I have not hooked up the electrical yet but it manual steering works fine.
I noted in a post above the Baraki mentioned adding diodes to the new blocks possibly or not requiring them at all on the lock solenoids.
Where is this at? I just received my block a couple weeks ago so it should be the new style. Is it still advisable to put a diode and relay in the system or not needed. I am using v2.5 AIO board

Also why is a schotky diode specified versus a regular diode, is it for the speed or the lower voltage drop or does it matter?

I have a problem with the autosteer automatic shutdown. Apparently the pressure sensor is working.
When the autosteer is disengaged, I have 12% and 22% when it is engaged. But when I touch the steering wheel, the pressure doesn’t change by not disengaging the autosteer, or the autosteer doesn’t engage at all if I set the percentage too low.

I can change the values with the slider, but it doesn’t work.

Are you sure the LS lines are in the correct spot? I believe the pressure sensor shouldn’t sense the auto steer LS at all. It should be isolated to the orbital LS.

does the value from sensor change when You turn the steering wheel (in autosteer mode OFF)?

not an LS valve but an open system is fitted

no the sensor value does not change when the autosteer is OFF

what I heard - it should change value. I have the same problem. I have all the time 22%, newertheless I steer or not the wheeling steer, and if the autosteer is ON or OFF.
Can anybody confirm it?

Hi Baraki, do you have valves? I need once more.

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Is it ok that there is jumper 0-20ma enabled for this pressure sensor?
All the time i have value 17% in agopengps and i can not disangage autosteer by turning the steer wheel.
What is wrong?

not sure which board you have but some board were setup for 4-20ma sensors and I think that purple one is a 5 volt sensor and you need to change some resistors for it to read properly

You do not want 4-20mA selected for this sensor.

Should IT start reading the pressure when i disable this jumper?

V4.1 or 4.3 micro. There is witten micro 4.1 but bought in January 2024 so could be the newest one

With that board then like WildBuckwheat said just remove the jumper pin

I think it will as long as you have signal and other items working, as soon as I drove into shop and lost gps my pressure readings quit working.

Jumper removed and pressure is visible on the pressure setting. Everything works nice. Now it’s time to Play with settings

What is your board version?
If you have AiO v2.x or V3.x you have to make some change on the resistors, they are for 4-20ma per default.
All AiO v4.x are ready for 0-5v sensors, they just need a jumper on the “pressure” pins.

4.3, everything works. Now i’m fighting with general settings

i’m using 4.3. the jumper is on pressure as mentioned on the wiki but it doesn’t work