Hydraulic valve assemblies for Every tractor, for every type of hydraulic system

I recorded a video when I installed the LS valve on my JD 7530 premium.
Sorry in advance for any mistakes :slight_smile:
Maybe this video will help someone :slight_smile:


How are all you mounting your valves? My first one came with 4 threaded holes. This one comes with 3 holes all the way through. Too small to get a hex bolt through. Do I need to turn threads in the holes?

You can buy threaded rods of 6mm and cut them to length.

I didn’t make that clear… The holes are not threaded.

You need something like this

Put it through the holes and then two nuts on each end to tighten the valve.

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That worked. Thanks. Great idea to use allthread!

Gotta love allthread!

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We call it thread rod

Its perhaps easier to just use DIN connectors with intergrated diodes.

The diode should be as close to the coil as possible so the connector/plug is the best location.

Most manufacturers of DIN plugs offer them with integrated protection circuits.

Just as an example this connector https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/din-43650-solenoid-connectors/1746635?gb=s

has this circuit (C3):

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I am helping David on this John Deere 4430 project, but I have not been able to figure out how to hook up the valve. They have what the part manual calls a steering metering pump under the steering wheel. Those lines hook to a steering valve up under the hood. Then there are 4 lines that go to the steering motor up front. So I am not sure which of those 4 lines I connect to. I attached an image of the steering valve and lines plus two pictures from my tractor. Do you know how your other client connected his three tractors? Or does anyone else know how to connect one of these?

Hello, yes. Write on mail grbaraki@gmail.com

goodmorning folks
im just wondering now how everyone else is finding it to order and receive valves these days? are you getting your valves? if so what lead time?
My #1 problem is that @baraki doesnt have the fendt valve (LS Static) valves on his website therefore the only way to order is through email.
My #2 Problem is that he acknowledged the order and gave a resonable estimated delivery timeframe and then after that no reply for more than a month after they were supposed to ship. After an email to him to wonder how things are going he knows nothing about the current order so we have to start over. upon sending him the models of tractors we need valves for he says no problem will ship tomorow which they do but only 3 out of 6 valves show up and the yare all LS Dynamic, still no fendt valves… will be waiting till Baraki replies which he hasnt now for a few days now.

The good thing is that the valves are very good the last ones come with a better solonid which has an actual plug onit the unit is compact and looks tidy.

there needs to be a better orgnaized system to distribute these valves to the end user .

Are the valves not universal now?

When first released there was a static version, but I believe it’s now universal.

Marek is probably very busy and I know often is waiting on parts.

Worth the wait because the Baraki valves steer beautifully when fitted.

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Worth trying maybe… .first valves we got were by accident tge wrong ones a year and bit ago shipped wring and those needed external check valve installed . Maybe someone could clarify how current production is?

Yes it is worth the wait however painful it is because it is the best around .

On his ordering site it still says there is dedicated valve for fendt
If some has a current pic of valve installed on fendt please share it.

The valves are now universal, they work perfectly fine with Fendt.

The universal valves have this plug and there is a non return valve fitted in that drilling to make them universal.

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I got this valve 2 days ago it does not not have that port that you are pointing out. Will it work wothout added check valve on fendt?

Did you have a picture of the other side of the valve?

Here you go

Is that a universal valve ?