Hydraulic valve info from Telegram group

Thank you very much for your answer I really apreciate it.
Do you know if that 3010 valve will work on a Case farmall 140A ?
It will be my first try in hydraulics, I have the system working with an electric motor on the steering wheel but I think it will work better just directly with hydraulics.
I’m in Ontario too and I would be very interested in seeing how you solve the valve installation issues since this is very new for us. Please feel free to contact me thru my email lbournissen@gmail.com
For sure we can share our knowledge. Thanks again.

Documentation of valve from Fluid Systems- Very helpful for anyone starting


I have no doubt you can add it to your tractor or any tractor. Seems to be very versatile. I know if I ever sell my tractor the valve will be coming with me! lol

That pdf is great, thanks a lot, so I have to read it and then contact the company to order the valve.
And yes, if you ever sell your tractor keep the valve for the next one.

If this schematic works with the newest Fluid system Valve and AoG , all I need is a 5v relay and what do you have just before you connect to the “remote out”? What type of resistor is it? Anything else that I would need for this to turn OFF the 6/2 valve with the pressure sensor? (not connecting to seeder, etc)

Excellent doc! I knew the previous more basic version…
One of best solution for hydraulic autosteer…

Thanks for your response! I like the relay in it. Would it need a 1K resistor from the pressure sensor to the relay like like you did with the transistor?

Relay or transistor, I’ll have to take your word that it that it works. I have little knowledge of this and to me if there is always a small signal coming from the pressure sensor (which sounds like the new fluid systems have…not just on/off pressure switch) then the transistor or relay will always be closed and turning off autosteer?

Someone of those who bought the valve have installed and tested it?

Anyone testet the valve yet?
@gpierrat can you send me the contact to order the valve, please.

Does anyone know how is possible to order FluidSystems valves?

has there been any news from these valve installs?

We used and Agleader valve around 900 euros.
Really easy to install and works great.

Do you have further informations for Agleader valve?

I will make some pictures and post some info tommorow

Just finished an install of the fluid system valve on a 2005 Case IH MX210, valve works properly using their supplied Closed Center LS dynamic (mounting C diagram.)

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