The Unicorecomm UM982 has some impressive specifications and capabilities that, on paper, seem seem to obviate the need for single F9P/IMU or dual F9P’s.
2 Ghz dual core processor
Dual antenna heading solutions
Up to 20 Hz position / heading update rate
3 serial ports up to 921600 bps
Sub-CM RTK accuracy
RTCM 3.x support with adaptive format recognition
NMEA-0183 v4.10 & 4.11 data output
Unicorecomm extended NMEA data output and Unicorecomm data outputs
All of the data for a complete PANDA sentence is available from 3 NMEA sentences. The AOG firmware coding is greatly simplified as relative positioning, heading, etc calculations are handled by the UM982. AOG firmware only needs to do string manipulation to build the PANDA sentence and output the data over serial, UDP, etc. A less expensive ESP32 could easily handle these tasks instead of a Teensy 4.x processor.
A firmware update from Unicorecomm could also provide a complete PANDA sentence or all the data for one in a single data output sentence.
UM982 boards are available on Aliexpress for $110 - $140. Considerably less expensive than even 1 F9P. Below is the user manual and commands reference manual.
UM982_User_Manual_EN_R1_11.pdf (895.5 KB)
Edited 7-20-24 to add the latest command manual.
Unicore Reference Commands Manual For N4 High Precision Products_V2_EN_R1.4.pdf (2.0 MB)
Edited to add new Unicore Evaluation Board manual
UM982eb_User_Manual_EN_R1_01.pdf (2.7 MB)
UM982EVB V1.0 differential positioning directional board.pdf (794.9 KB)
Unicore OBS to Rinex converter application (647.6 KB)
Teensy firmware to pass through KSXT messages directly to AgIO. (356.0 KB)
Teensy firmware to autoconfig UM982, process GGA,VTG&HPR message set and Keya motor. (380.6 KB)
Latest publicly available firmware from the Ardusimple site. Unzip password is 1234
UM982_R4.10Build11826 (1).zip (2.2 MB)
E6-HAS Capable (2.3 MB)
Uprecise configuration and testing software
Ardusimple UM982 page with some good config and user info
Reliable Aliexpress Store for the UM982. I have used them 4 times with excellent results.
These antennas work well with the UM982. I have bought them 4 times as well.