Is the UM982 an F9P killer for AOG?

Thanks - I was running in to the exact same problem with non-physical jumps in heading while using tractor mode!

Hi I was wondering if using UM982 would give better rtk fix reliability than f9p in poor conditions like along the edge of a field were there is a lot of tree cover.

Quite possibly so since the UM982 is a triple band receiver capable of tracking more satellites. A good triple band antenna like the one linked below will also help in those marginal signal areas.

3band is advatage, but 4 const is even bigger. As F9P uses 3 const to achieve 10 hz. Often disabled const is BDS.

Now this heavily depends on your location, but atleast in my region BDS has double the amount of available sats compared to other const.


I am planning on connecting UM982 directly to AGIO by USB.
can AGIO handle 20hz update rate from UM982 or do I need to slow it down to 10hz?

AgIO is limited to 10Hz. The UM982 will need to output messages at that rate.

Radmuffins - I was wondering why you seem to have disabled this setting:

config heading length 150 0

I’m reading the Unicore Reference Commands R1.3 and it’s not clear what it does. Is there any advantage or disadvantage to specifying what I presume to be the distance between the two GPS antennas?

Perhaps not the correct thread to discuss but is anyone aware how F9P behaves when all four constellations are active and the position update rate is set to 10 Hz?

I’ve had my F9P rover configured this way and have not observed any issues. I actually thought the older firmware was 10 Hz capable (the latest one with SBAS support is “slower”) but the data sheets I can now find suggest 8 Hz.

I wonder if it skips satellites if too busy to handle all, is it dependent on the currently visible satellites (would be fine, no problem to skip some if there are “too many”) or does it actually update at 8 Hz even if set to 10 Hz. Should be visible from a log file.

I can tell that the F9P in single with firmware 1.32 can’t handle 10 hz without misses.

You will see them in the log. Sometimes it’s good sometime it was missing as much as 3 per second!

Didn’t tested 1.13 tough, just get back to 3 constellations.

This is an other point for thinking to find an alternative to the F9P

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Because its not needed. Now I use:

config heading variablelength.

So um982 calculates baseline distance it self. Similar to F9P dual system.

Hey guys,

This is Lina from Unicore. Thanks for your interest in UM982. For agricultural machinery, we also have UM980 and UM981 available. UM980 is an RTK module; UM981 is RTK+IMU module, suitable for tilt measuring and agricultural machinery. You can find manuals here after signing in Download Center - Unicore Comunications, Inc. Hardware design and test software is not uploaded, but I can send them to you if needed.

Feel free please to ask any question. My email address is

Kind regards,


Hi Lina and thank you for the posting. Its is most welcome to have manufacturers representatives participate. Unicore makes some very competitive GNSS chips and provides good technical documentation for the UM98x series of GNSS chips.

One area that would enhance the uptake of the great chips would be easily available firmware updates. Unicore is continuously adding features to the UM98x line but the firmware for these features is difficult to obtain. Ublox and others make their firmware updates readily available on their websites.


Thank you very much for the feedback!
Your advice means a lot to us, and I will definitely forward this message to our team.

Feel free please to share more ideas with us!

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Thanks to Chri5k, AogConfigOMatic now has UM982 support. Please give it a try !


A new tab…

Yes …


Hello guys, i have a question. Since i have f9p base station and i like to try um982 (as rover) can i use the same base station or need to make one with eather um982 or um980?

And are there any limitations imposed by using f9p base and um982 dual antena as rover?

The f9p is only dual band (L1 & L2), the um982 is triple band (L1, L2 & L5) so you’ll be limiting your um982 to only dual but until you get a um982 on both a base & rover it doesn’t matter. If you’d be getting a 2nd um982 in the future you might rather start with it as your base or its single brother the um980 (I think)

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Its best to go for um982 (3band) base as soon as possible, F9P base is limited to L1, L2. So no GPS l5 for master antenna, but bigger problem is lack of bds support, even if you enable bds on F9P base you lack B3I band, bds-3 sats lack B2I and replace it with B1C, B2a, B2b. So F9P see very few sats with L1 L2 bds. Both master and slave antenna benefit from bds B3I, for slave antenna it is only const with all 3 bands supported.

I run my base in SIGNALGROUP 7, then decide on rover end if it will be SIGNALGROUP 7 if single or default 4 5 for dual.

How does this compare with Mosaix X5:
BeiDou: B1I B1C B2a B2I B3

Is B3 different from B3l? How does it make a difference in the number of usable satellites?