Is the UM982 an F9P killer for AOG?

@Lina I’m very happy to see a Unicode representative reaching out to a DIY community like this!

A couple of things that Unicode could do to help us out would be firmware and release notes for each firmware release available for download to registered users from the Unicode website.

The other big one is writing code or hiring/sponsoring developers for open source projects like this one and RTKLIB.

The latest RTKLib added some support of UM982. Some UM982 messages are the same as Novatel OEM7. See
I tried the latest RTKBase and set the receiver type to NOV and it decoded the RANGE messages and sent them out as RTCM. Not full support but enough to use it as a base station.

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which configuration is best to use:
the UM980 + IMU or UM982 with dual antenna?
remembering that a bno080 is cheaper than an extra antenna?

IMHO, dual antenna is the gold standard. A UM980 is about $10-15 less than a UM982. A BNO085 is about $30. A second antenna is $40. For me the $25 difference is not really an issue to get the gold standard.

The one thing to note is that I don’t think dual works too well if you don’t have RTK

Guys, have you been able to reach Lina through the email that she left on this thread? I’ve tried to put me in contact with her 2 weeks ago to see if she can send me the most recent firmware, but she hasn’t responded.

Unicore is quite coy about giving out firmware for some reason.

Is there some feature looking for or issue you are having with your receiver?

This is response from sales manager.

[13-8 04:22] Jade Um982: Hi Raymond, sorry for my late reply, the final work is finally finished, and I’d love to help you with the sample purchasing as soon as possible, the price of the boards you are interested in please see as below:
[13-8 04:23] Jade Um982: OEMR980-- 190USD
[13-8 04:23] Jade Um982: OEMR982-- 180USD
[13-8 04:25] Jade Um982: please be noted, this is just the sample price, and it’s with the newest firmware and all the technical support we could offer afterwards, so I hope you could purchase the boards from us for your better potential and quality in your project instead of Aliexpress. Hope to hear from you soon
[13-8 07:10] Raymond Laurman: Hi Jade so the end price will be higher? And how about acces to firmware? And why is single more expensive then dual?
[13-8 07:56] Jade Um982: sample price means the price of one piece, the more you purchase, the cheaper it gets of course.
[13-8 07:56] Jade Um982: I am afraid we can’t send you the firmware, but the boards you buy will be with the newest firmware
[13-8 07:57] Jade Um982: That single is more expensive than dual is based on our evaluation of the PCB design of 980 and 982 and on our storage

So as most say not really willing to have free acces to firmware and not so much cheaper then F9P.

So withmotion is maybe a better idea.


The UM982 is a dual receiver SOC and one is less expensive than a single F9P so there is considerable savings there. The UM980 prices are nuts and I don’t see the point in buying one.

The UM982 can work in single mode as a base station or dual mode as a rover. The latest RTKlib has improved support for the UM982 as a base station. Stefal has a new version of RTKbase that includes the latest RTKlib.

I’ll just keep using the Aliexpress UM982 boards for USD110 for both base and rover applications. The firmware that is already out there readily available seems to meet the AOG requirements just fine.

True i do the same :+1:

No really. It’s just that on the lastest commands manual, they mention that the lastest firmware enables Galileo E6-HAS, and this could be a way to maintain good accuracy here in Europe, when the RTK signal is lost. Or the 20Hz data update rate on SIGNALGROUP 3 6. Those two can be good reasons to want to update the chip to the latest version.

The UM980 is much better than the UM982 in base station mode. It can see more signals and it’s faster, being capable of 50Hz data update rate in RAW and RTK on SIGNALGROUP 8. It’s also a bigger chip, because it uses more silicon for those higher rates. I would never use a 982 as a base, being available the980 at almost the same price.

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It’s funny how they put the option to update the firmware on Uprecise by the user, how they continue working on the firmware to add more functions (they haven’t even added the SPI, IIC and CAN intefaces yet), but in the end they don’t want to distribute it to the users who have purchased the product.

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My view is using the UM982 as a lower cost replacement for the F9P for AOG. The F9P has been the “standard” for AOG and many base stations created for use with AOG. As the standard, it works well for most users under most condtions.

The F9P does not support E6-HAS at all. While the UM982 firmware supporting E6-HAS is not widely available, when found, it will provide that capability. So with it there is at least the possibility of getting E6-HAS.

The UM982 being triple band sees more satellites in either base or rover mode than the F9P. Not sure what use 50Hz update rate is for a base station that sends out corrections at about a 1Hz rate.

I agree. I think Unicore produces a quality compelling product in the UM98x line. I also think Unicore is handicapping their product by not making firmware easily available on their website. Not sure of the reason but it is their product so it is their decision. I have made this point several times to the Unicore representatives I have dealt with in the past. I will say their technical support personnel were very knowledgeable, polite and a pleasure to work with when I dealt with them.

When you use um982 as base you can switch to signalgroup 7, then it will see more signals. You can do it also on rover side when used as single gps.

What I was saying is that SIGNALGROUP 7 has less signals than SIGNALGROUP 2.

If you only see it only and exclusively as a replacemente for the F9P, of course, as it is now is more capable and cheaper. But in my case I’m still trying to decide if I’m gonna use AOG or Ardupilot for my project. And I want, if the option is available, a futeproof device. Now AOG only admits 10Hz rate, but maybe on 2, 3 or 5 years instead of using a Teensy the IO board goes with a more powerfull platform, and them, the limit goes up to 20 or 50Hz. And at this moment, Unicore offer that option, but only if you buy it directly from them.

How many M8N or M9N are there in the wild, almost in the trash can, because it is “useless”?

The 10Hz rate is not a Teensy limitation. It is hard coded into the AOG GPS windows software. I think it might be based on practical limitations of a tractor and ag operations. In many ag operations, 10Hz would be 25 cm distance traveled between updates. The hydraulic / mechanical systems in a tractor can only respond so fast to changing directional inputs. There is a difference between what is technically possible and what is practically useful.

The real limitation is Unicore not making firmware updates easily available. As the rep told Ray, they don’t provide newer firmware after the device ships. The Nebulas IV platform has a dual core 1Ghz processor. Most of the time I see the processor is ~80% idle. There is a lot more the platform can do and Unicore adds features fairly regularly. However, since they don’t provide firmware updates after purchase, users can’t get the new features.


Brian has also said that from what he has read, 10 hz is probably best. Because there’s a limit to how fast the AS can move the tractor, and we don’t need/want a new position before the tractor has moved one way or the other.

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Anyone has a withmotion um980 rover settings code? Tried the one in aogconfimatic but not working as the um982.