Micro F9P group buy

I’ve just gotten in to tge topic of AOG in the last few days and I’m whether I’m going to actually pull it of (depends on my father an my brother). How long does it usually take until there is a group to order new ardusimple micros? Do they even ship to Germany?

There are less ordering this time than last, so it might be a good while until the next group buy. They ship from Spain, Germany will be no problem. And you won’t have to pay the dumb Brexit-tax I did :wink:

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If you want to get in on the current buy, send me an email and I will see if they will allow you to enter. No promises, it may already be too late.

Thank you for your offer @Jhmach but I dont think the decision will happen in time for this order. I’ll either have to wait for the next oder or go with the standard size boards (although I prefer the micros).

Post what country you are in, and someone may have some extras they can sell you.

That’s a great Idea. I’ll try that when it’s time order all the stuff.

Hey everybody,
Wondering if anyone knows what it ends up costing to get a micro f9p and antenna on a group buy to Ontario Canada? Total cost in cdn$ with the units+ taxes+ import fees+ shipping+ etc=?

On the last group buy, 3x Micro F9P and 3x ANN-MB-00 antenna were $948.65 CAD shipped to Ontario Canada. That includes a $20 shipping charge and USD->CAD conversion (which is never a great rate) by PayPal.

On top of that was DHL’s fee. DHL total fee was $62.85 CAD ($43.07 duty + $17.50 brokerage + $2.28 tax on brokerage). DHL’s brokerage fees are very favourable compared to FedEx or UPS.

Discount codes added up to $211.20 USD, or $303.82 CAD at PayPal’s conversion rate.

Don’t forget that you’ll need a GNSS receiver for a base station. You can use a Micro F9P for a base station, either by using a spare all-in-one board, or with a small inexpensive Pi adapter PCB (I’ve designed and tested it, just waiting for a small rev to arrive before releasing it). Using a Micro F9P as a base station isn’t well documented yet but it is possible.

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It’s not duty, it’s GST. If you pass it as business expense it should be refundable.

Thanks for the information WildBuckWheat.

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Hi everybody
Check out buying from www.mouser.com because the cost of the GPS is over threshold for FREE shipping, Tax / GST / Vat / Moms / * is collected before shipping. ( no surprise import duty to EU + DK )
This is my experience. I hope this is a help.
Shipping is lightning fast. placed order on a Thursday, received packaged Monday.


For my 3x micros and 3x antennas above my total was $1011.50. Including all the shipping charges and tax and conversions.

For the same items Mouser is $1413 + tax. And they only have 2 in stock.

The group buy is a good deal.

Thank you Jake for organizing the group buy. If the savings are around $100/micro+antenna for everyone else too then you’ve saved the community around $20,000 at this point.




Thanks for the update! That’s the only parts I’m waiting for. I know once they ship it typically only takes 3-5 days to reach North America!

Is it too late to enter? I sent you an email.

Yes, last Monday was the last day

Is a new group buy planned?

Not planning on one. Maybe if there is enough interest we could do another one in the summer.

Looks like we can buy them one by one now if we want

I would probably order another 6-10 again.