Micro F9P group buy

Ardusimple said they will be glad to do another group buy.
We are talking with them about special pricing for the Adafruit BNO085 also.
Let’s be thinking of how many Micros and ANN-MB antennas everyone wants and keep the BNO possibility in mind.
I think we will wait until we get this worked out before we open the buy. Maybe tomorrow or Saturday, and figure on leaving it open for 1 week.
Does this sound suitable to everyone?


Would there be any chance of maybe getting the xbee radios included in the group buy?

We would have to order 50 of them. I doubt we could get that many.

You can order anything you want during the group buy though and only have one shipping cost.

I’m in for 2 micro f9ps and three antennas

Could be interested in bno (I currently use dual antennas)

Definitely would be interested in xbee radios

I’m interested in BNO085 as well, depends on how much there can be saved on these units?

Ardusimple have the BNO085 listed at $67.85

Mouser have it for approx. $24

I think Ardusimple started to make the BNO085 when everywhere was out of stock and who did have stock where charging very very high prices.

But now the BNO085 is widely available the price has come down to a more sensible level.

So it would have to be quite some group buy discount to be competitive.


I would be interested in a couple micro f9ps and two antennas if this buy happens

When will the buy open?

I’m in with 3 x F9p+antenna.

Ardusimple seems to be a bit pricy with bno tho…

Waiting on the bno prices. If I dont hear from Ardusimple tomorrow, we will probably just start the buy tomorrow.

For anyone who wants Micros and antennas only, you can go ahead and email me. Make sure to state how many Micros, and how many ANN-MB antennas you are ordering.


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We are ready to start the group buy.
Please send your email to me as soon as possible
Buy is for Micro F9P and ANN-MB antenna. Prices are supposed to be the same as last time
They also are offering the Adafruit BNO085 for $35.00 US with no minimum requirement



I have replied to all of the emails I have received. if you didn’t receive a reply, let me know and we will get you on the list.

I just wanted to post this for anyone considering the micro F9P ground buy, especially new members just getting started. You can use a micro F9P as a base station. For a base station you do not need to use a classic F9P board, you can use any F9P board; a classic, a micro, a lite, etc.

A simple way to use a micro F9P as a base station is with a USB-XBEE adapter

The board powers the micro and allows for USB communication.

Or you can use this design and order it from JLC PCB.

I designed this before realizing that a USB-XBEE adapter would work. It’s pretty much the same thing, just less expensive and has some extra breakout points. You can add 5 of them to your All-in-one board order for the price of one from Ardu.

Aliexpress has similar USB-XBEE boards as well for very low cost.

Having one of these boards is really nice for troubleshooting or loading firmware. It also lets you use a Micro with USB and AgOpenGPS for temporary setups, for example marking out field boundaries with your ATV.

Using a micro in your base as well as in your rovers allows you to have some redundancy and allows you to swap things around if anything ever goes down.

Pi-XBEE hats exist also. I also designed this one before realizing that the xbee pinout matches the micro: GitHub - WildBuckwheat/simpleRTK2B-Micro-Hat-for-Raspi: Connect your ArduSimple simpleRTK2B Micro F9P to a Raspberry Pi using this small adapter PCB


Was planning to close the
Group Buy
on Monday, May 1
That should give everyone a chance to order that wants to.

Thanks for the info, I am changing my order to 2 F9P micro’s then:)

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I’m not sure if my Email went through, but if it’s still possible I would like to order six F9P and one BNO085 thanks in advance

Sent the responses to the latest group of emails.
If you didn’t receive an email, please let me know

I plan to submit all of the emails to Ardusimple at 9:00 A.M CST May 2nd

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Just sent you an email for the code. I got sidetracked working on other projects and haven’t checked the thread. Hopefully I can still get in.

I have been getting some questions about how to buy from some first time participants.

Ardusimple will send you a purchase code on the email address that you sent to jakehunterd@gmail.com
When you receive that code, go to
SHOP - ArduSimple
Find simplertk2b micro near the bottom of the list and select.
on options choose: through hole, SMA and quantity.
add to cart
continue shopping
choose antennas and anything else you want to buy and add to cart
(you can buy anything they offer, but only Micro, ANN-MB antennas and BNO085 are discounted)
after you are done shopping, proceed to checkout
at checkout there will be a box to enter the group buy code. copy and paste your code in the box.
When you go to pay out, you will see the discount pricing is applied.
make sure shipping address and price is correct and pay.

Emails have been submitted.
Everyone should receive his code in a day or two.