Micro F9P group buy

Check your spam folder. At least for me, gmail put Tanya’s mail in the spam folder


Same thing happend for me. I’ll do my order tomorrow.

How are we doing with orders?

Paid for as soon as I got the email, hopefully everyone has done similar?!

Paid on May 3

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I am closing the group buy today. If everyone has their oders in, they should only be a couple weeks from delivery.


Does anyone in europe have a spare micro f9p (+ antenna) willing to sell to me in germany? I got the standard, but since the 4.1 standard board seems to be some time out I’m thinking of using it as a base and building a 4.1 micro instead.

You can buy single Micros direct from Ardusimple:

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hello did you receive your order ?

i just receive some mesage from them to help me for what ever … but dont receive yet

I didnt order any this time, i only handled the buy. Its still a few days until i would think the first orders should arrive though. They said at close it should be 2 to 3 week to fill the orders.
There were 144 Micros on this buy


I thought minimum 50 would be easy but that’s a bit more then I expected!

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Definitely an impressive number. I was thinking we would only get half that.

thanks to share

so wait and see

Has enyone received enything other than email from ardusimple?

not yet for me

Nothing, it’s been well over 3 weeks since paying.

Do you have another group buy coming up?

Nothing is planned so far.

We kept it open for about a week and a half before we closed it this time. I tried to avoid all of the last requests. They dont process any orders until we close, so probably just a few days until they start shipping.

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It is just fun that they send email asking if eny help is needed with their product. I think i didn’t use same email when I ordered F9P for base. So I wondered if they have started shipping.