Need help ordering parts

Oh ok, so I’ll just need 2 of those per board? Or 4. There’s another guy somewhere on here that is running into the same problems, but with different parts. I’m trying to use his thread for info but its just enough different that it’s not helping me alot.

Where i circled in blue is where they are labeled to go. So i just put them where you told me and not here?

Yes, when you ask for them to be assembled at JLPCB they are placed in the blue circle that you have painted, but if you weld them, they are placed in the red circle. You only need 2 per pcb.

Ok, where is a good source? Anywhere i look they are out of stock… thats the smd ones.

I don’t know what country you live in, but mouser and digikey have a large stock. You don’t have to ask for smd, you need them to have two legs so you can put them through the holes in the board and solder underneath.

Well I’m in the US, but when i looked at digi-key and mouser, there was one in stock at mouser, and it was smd. I didnt even see an option for the through pin one. But i think a fellow member is going to send me a couple.

You were probably searching for the smd part number, if you cant see the tht number in bom list for AIO board, then look for the 1000 cap in pcb v2 bom list.
Or ebay.


Thank you! Looks like theres plenty to go around :grin:

I picked the 25 v one should be 35v
But they are both well above 12v

So will the 25v work? Theyre kinda ordered already lol

I am sure you will never notice the difference :smiley:

Yes the one on the BOM are 25V, as long as its greater than the input voltage, you’re good.

Thanks, just put in the order yesterday and today for all the rest of the parts to complete one setup, so now now we wait for the mailman😁 in the meantime if someone has any hints tips, or ideas for a base station that i need to know, let me know.

Simplest base station is a simplertk f9p plugged into a wifi ntrip master
Powered by usb phone charger
Corrections sent from my attic via home wifi to rtk2go

So no raspberry pi? I see theres an ethernet ntrip master too.

And does the base need a monitor plugged in constantly? Or can i use my steering tablet and get the base up and running, and then disconnect the monitor?

That is what we use. More expensive, but we thought it might be more reliable

Because I had an old atom tablet running windows , i just used the free strsvr part of snip.
So a ardusimple f9p with ublox ann mb antenna connected to the tablet by usb.

Thanks for the info, do i need a separate computer? Or can i use the screen a got for my rover? Surface pro 3 i believe

The base antenna is on roof of our house.
Strsvr must run continuesly, using my atom computer to send rtcm messages via our wifi router over internet to rtk2go (NTRIP) and then rover f9p in tractor get the messages from internet and calculate RTK. (Using ntrip in aog or lefebure on phone. I use lefebure on phone sending by Bluetooth to Bluetooth xbee on f9p.

My system probably use more power, than a pi or a esp32 wifi woud use.