RTKBase: a GUI for your own Gnss Base Station

Maybe, but the GPS coordinates should appear??.. or RTKBase doesn’t works well with my Waveshare card?. I have moved the antenna, better quality and number of sats now but stiil no coordinates.

Hey Antonio, sorry, I didn’t realize that you were using a Waveshare and I assumed that you were using an F9P. Usually you need to have a good reading (>35dB) of 6 or more satellites in a constellation to get a good position. Its possible with less, but not always stable. That’s kind of a rule of thumb that I’ve learned over time and not really scientific.

I’m not sure what your next step should be. Are you able to use any Waveshare program to connect to the receiver and verify if it is getting a position that way?

That would sound like an antenna issue probably? Idk

Can You create some short instruction how to use tailscale, on both windows tablet, and RTKBase raspberry Pi to handle direct rtk corections - without rtk2go serices?

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I just recently set it up. I can do that this evening.

@Stefal should I put it on here, a new forum post, or fork your repo and put it in the readme?


would be great,
thx in advance

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I think you can probably just figure it out from a few screenshots?

Do this step first because it will force you to do the signup and everything. Install Tailscale on your autosteer tablet: Installing Tailscale on Windows · Tailscale Docs

Install Tailscale on your pi: Download · Tailscale

Configure the RTKBase local Caster (use whatever username, password, mount names that you want). I am sending the default RTKBase messages which is a lot more messages that you require.

Configure AgIO. Make sure the Username, Password, Mount are all the same. When you update AgOpenGPS to a new version you’ll have to re-enter everything, so you can see why I picked the names that I did.


  1. Login to the tailscale website and disable key expiry, or you’ll have to re-set the keys every 6 months.

  2. Login to the tailscale website and set an exit route, so that other devices (computers, printer, IP cameras, etc) on the same network as the pi can be accessed remotely. This allows me to print from the tractor to my home office, RDP from my office desktop to an autosteer tablet, etc

  3. Install tailscale on your phone, so that you can access basegnss.local from anywhere anytime just to check the status. You can also VNC (like remote desktop) to tablets (painful on the small screen).

seems very easy.
I will check it on Saturday.

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just wondering has anyone successfully used RTKBase with Intelliview/Pro 700? Since I have it working with my ag leader display I’m tempted to unlock RTK on our seeding tractor (Pro 700) rather than renew RTX again. But not sure if there might be compatibility issues.

Problem solved. Found a program to flash the image from a tutorial. Tried that twice and neither attempt worked. Switch to Balena etcher and everything worked right away. The one that did not work was Win32diskimager just for everyone’s information.

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Yes, I’m using this ones:

I have used the Ntrip Client from QGNSS soft from Quectel and I can see the RTCM3 messages from the base. So I think they are working ok. Maybe there is some type of incompatibility with RTKBase soft.

Maybe, I’m looking for a better quality one

You are using this as your base? Which rover gnss receiver are you using? It looks like it’s a L1/L5 receiver whereas F9P is L1/L2 so if you’re using F9P rovers they will only use L1 correction and I think you’ll be disappointed in their performance.

I’m using the LC29H(DA) version from Waveshare as rover

Is the serial port enabled ? It could be tricky on Raspberry.

Did you try the “detect & configure” button ? Does it work successfuly ?

I think the best place would be the wiki pages : Home · Stefal/rtkbase Wiki · GitHub

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The realtime location is computed by RTKlib, in PPP mode, with L1/L2/L5 frequency. Your receiver doesn’t support L2. I’ve never test PPP with only L1/L5.
You can play with the config file : rtkbase/web_app/rtklib_configs/rtkbase_ppp-static_default.conf at master · Stefal/rtkbase · GitHub

What is the exact name of the antenna you use?

Yes I did that first time on install and did it again.

It’s like there is something that is overlapping so that it works for short period of time.

Now as I was testing new base appears at rtk2go Caster list. Top one is the new base and bottom on is the old one that works. rtk2go banned my ip-address after a couple of hours last time I kept it on.

STR;salmiac2;Ilmajoki;RTCM 3.3;1005(10),1008(10),1019(8),1020(18),1033(10),1042(90),1046(6),1230(30);;GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS;SNIP;FIN;62.82;22.64;1;0;sNTRIP;none;B;N;280;

STR;salmiac;Ilmajoki;RTCM 3.3;1004(1),1005(10),1008(10),1012(1),1019(3),1020(2),1033(10),1042(3),1077(1),1087(1),1097(1),1107(1),1127(1),1230(30);2;GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS+SBS;SNIP;FIN;62.82;22.64;1;0;sNTRIP;none;B;N;11200;