RTKBase: a GUI for your own Gnss Base Station

I have several 372s unlocked for RTK that work great with my RTKBase base station. I made my own bluetooth dongle out of an ESP32 and a MAX3232 RS232 adapter. The ESP32 can automatically switch between 900 MHz radio and bluetooth NTRIP. Here’s an older article I wrote on the setup, including a wiring diagram for the 372’s port:

The esp32 code for the dongle switcher is here. If you just want bluetooth, any RS232 bluetooth adapter would probably work.

If you want a video on how to set up the 372 to accept RTCM input, search for DigiFarm 372 setup.


Beautiful, thanks. Exactly what I was hoping to attempt.

Thanks for the great tool. Are there plans to support the NTP protocol?

Doesn’t RTKBase install script already configure gpsd and ntp for this purpose? I recall disabling it since I didn’t want it on my install.

Hey, wanted to say thanks for this project. It’s been a fantastic addition to my system, and has been rock solid for the last year.

I recently moved my Base Station due to interference with other electronics, and now all my field KML’s have also moved. I guess I should have expected that. Just wanted to confirm how to rectify this:

I need to “survey in” the antenna in it’s new location using some other software, and then copy and paste that Lat/Long value into the “Base coordinates” field under Main Service. Is that correct?

Not exactly an RTKBase topic but how did you survey the base coordinates for the previous location? Seems you did not do it accurately, you could now move your base to the original site, then log the new site location with a rover antenna at the new base position using RTK corrections from your original base. The result may be “an incorrect” position but equally to your original survey and your fields will look the same as before.

Hi I’m using the DA version of the Waveshare card as rover. You can check their website.

I’ll be honest, I probably got everything set up, saw that it was giving me data and never surveyed it in at all. :slight_smile: Thank you for the solution, it worked well.

I used a roving receiver to obtain the RTK coordinate of the new base station antenna, using the existing base station. Then when I move the base station to the new location, I set the lat, lon, and altitude to those coordinates. I’ve had to move my base station at least twice and using this method my lines have never moved.

As far as I know there’s no “survey-in” function exposed in RtkBase. But you could use u-center to do this before setting up and running RtkBase. If you surveyed the base station each time you moved it, that would still probably move your lines around by about a meter.

You can save profiles in AgIO so when updating to new version of AOG just load profile.

If you have different RTK networks you use, save a profile for each.


Gentlemen, why do I not have “green satellites”?
Connection via “socat” to u-center.
ZED-F9P conected via UART.

Does your antenna have a clear view of the sky? Seems like the signal is very weak for some reason.

The antenna is on the roof, nothing is covering it.
Why is everything OK at u-center all the time?
RTKBase loses “PPP” from time to time, u-center never loses it.

:slight_smile: he problem was with Chinese antenna. I installed the same second one and it works.:

Hello everyone a weird thing just happend to me mu base was working fine and then just stopped I tried to access the webUI and nothing so I opened the terminal on my phone and success but not really, after a quick google search and a couple of log files later apparently my SD card mounted as read-only and not even Sudo or root can do anything. I have tried uninstalling rtkbase using root and nothing, I tried reinstalling but I get the message read-only file so I decided to reboot and now I can’t even access it through the terminal.

Has anyone had this happening to them, and why it happened. The base and my router are powered through a UPS.

I can probably fixed it with a fresh install on the SD card but it bothered me what happened and why?

Was the option for unnecessary logs turned on? How long?

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It is possible that your SD card is faulty. Cards can become read only when they are failing. I’ve never seen a micro SD card with a lock switch, but maybe your SD card has a lock switch?

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I have had good luck with the SanDisk Industrial MLC Micro SD cards. They are reasonably priced and RTKBase does not need a huge card.

The ultimate in micro SD card durability in harsh environments is the Delkin Industrial SLC Micro SD cards. They are pricey; 1 GB ~$33 and 2 GB ~$53.


I replaced the SD card with a sandisk and for now it’s working fine. It was probably a faulty SD card, I will try to format it and try again on a spare orange pi just to verify. Thanks all for your help.

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The SD card may have cells that are going bad and most likely more cells will start to go bad. It may format and work for a bit but more bad cells will cause it to malfunction again.

SD cards are not like SSD’s. SSD’s have an onboard controller that can mark cells as bad and not use them. The data encoding algorithm is such that it can recreate the data from a damaged cell to a new cell. Cell loss up to point is transparent to the user.