RTKBase: a GUI for your own Gnss Base Station

I have had the base station running for few years now and I have been very happy with it. Now I have started to wonder if my base location coordinates are really accurate, because one of my tractors are really struggling to get a fix. I have tried all possible message combinations, but that’s not the case as it seems. Now I seem not to be able to get any results from different PPP services. I have tried three of them and all claim that the files are not possible to be processed. Last one (AUSPOS) gave me maybe a hint. It said that “No valid antenna type found”. Checked from rinex file and only thing I was able to find related to antenna was ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N. Any ideas what can cause the problems? I have had 24 hours rotation time and 30s overlap time which should be good for the PPP services.

EDIT: using Rtkbase 2.4.1

You don’t need accurate base co-ordinates in order to get a fix, I think you have some other issue.

That’s what I have understood. Thanks for the confirmation. Just wanted to try out. I have been able to get a fix from one base only (not mine). Differences semm to be only RTCM version and GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS+SBS vs. GPS+GLO. Can the issue be the latter one. I think rtkbase only gives GPS and GLO.

As long as you let it survey in by itself, no problems. But if you type in a position, make sure you use correct position format, also not use , as decimal point (which we normally do around here)
I typed in wrong for static position in my base, and it was a couple of hundred meters wrong (looking at map it in rtk2go). And I could only get float. 5 meters off is no problem.

RTK Base can provide just about any type of a correction data stream. Would be useful to know the exact set of messages that this receiver accepts.

Modern receivers that support multiple constellations (more than GPS + Glonass) are happy with MSM messages. Some older receivers do not accept MSM messages at all but need RTCM 1004 and 1012 for GPS & Glonass plus a few others. Some legacy receivers also have base compatibility issues that are solved by RTCM 1008 message from the base (correct antenna type info, actually tells which brand the base is). Sometimes RTCM 1007 is useful in addition to 1008. Easy to try on a private base. Also try to avoid too many (unnecessary) messages and send other than 1004 and 1012 infrequently (every 5 seconds or less frequently).

I use 1004,1006(5),1007(5),1008(5),1012,1019(10),1020(10),1033(30),1230(30) for one old AGCO branded receiver. Works well although this too has many unnecessary messages.

I assume your base is L1 + L2 capable, L1 only makes things difficult and L5 is not useful with old devices.

The rover is AGI-4 Topcon. Previous owner used 1004(1), 1006(10), 1007(10), 1008(10), 1012(1), 1033(10) and got fix with those. I have not succeeded. I’m getting fix very fast with my neighbours base station having 1004(1),1005(10),1008(10),1012(1),1019(3),1020(2),1033(10),1042(3),1046(2),1077(1),1087(1),1097(1),1107(1),1127(1),1230(30). I’ve tried the same set of messages, but no luck. :confused: Neighbour has GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS+SBS.

Edit: My setup is simpleRTK2B + u-blox GNSS Multiband antenna ANN-MB-00 + Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3

This discussion is actually not relevant to RTKBase but is the rover a genuine Topcon branded device or something else (AGCO/MF/Valtra, Fendt etc.)? If not genuine Topcon, then MSM messages (1077, 1087, 1097, 1107) are of no use, more likely to starve the rover. In any case an AGI-4 does not use any Beidou or Galileo data, those messages are more likely to create confusion than any advantage. SBAS messages are neither useful for RTK.

The key question is RTCM 1008 content, what is it for the two base stations? On RTKBase you should set ADVNULLANTENNA and also set -TADJ=1.

The rover is Fendt. Both base stations have ADVNULLANTENNA and -TADJ=1.

Absolutely weird, I’m using RTKBase 2.5.0 but I’m sure I’ve used 2.4.1 equally successfully. This base has been used daily with a Valtra/MF/Challenger branded AGI-4 and at times with a Fendt Varioguide branded AGI-4 too. The only differences are the base antenna (have the better antenna but 100% sure not an issue versus AN-MB) and the fact that I’m pushing the correction stream to a SNIP caster. Need to open a port for the RTKBase caster and test it on our Valtra (cannot think of that making any difference though).

By the way, have you tried your AGI-4 with GPS only (1004, no 1012), just for testing?

Need to test your message proposals. Actually my neighbour has the better antenna as well. Strange that that would make any difference. He has definitely different configuration for the F9P. Not sure what is the configuration. Could that make a difference?

Edit: Trying to get the base location also without any success. All PPP services are complaining missing antenna type information in the rinex file. Does that have some link to the issue with the fix?

I just tried our Valtra AGI-4 directly from the RTKBase caster an it worked fine (fine in the sense that this old product works, stupid implementation from Topcon with the NTRIP modem, takes ages to receive the correction data and the GNSS performance is worse than F9P). This time I just put 1004,1006(5),1008(5),1012,1019(10),1020(10),1033(30) messages. Should behave the same as your configuration.

I don’t know about the antenna info issue, have you checked how your RTCM 1008 reads out (perhaps 1033 too), could compare to mine. I’ve only used commercial receivers for PPP or public NTRIP to locate my base stations accurately.

However if your coords are too far off you won’t get a fix…

How far is too far?

I have gotten a fix at 80km (rare). Most of my issues where mixing Lon and Lat putting me 1000s of kms off.

Sounds like you are talking about the distance from the base to the rover while andyinv and jussi were talking about the “distance from the true base location to the declared RTCM 1005/1006 location”?

I was directed to this thread for better help. Thanks again. I’m totally new to the Ubuntu environment. I’m wondering if I’m using the wrong python version? I can’t get the web server to start and it seems to be the imp module is missing. I have ver 3.12.

Whats the message? Use ‘pip install missing_module’.

When I run: sudo systemctl status rtkbase_web.service
I get the following:

● rtkbase_web.service - RTKBase Web Server
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/rtkbase_web.service; enabled; preset: >
Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2024-05-25>
Process: 16117 ExecStart=/home/colin/rtkbase/venv/bin/python /home/colin/rt>
Main PID: 16117 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

After reading a lot of stuff I didn’t understand well I came to the conclusion I’m missing the IMP module which was replaced in v3.12 with IMPORTLIB. If this is correct, I need to downgrade to v3.10, right?

imp is dropped in version 3.12. In earlier versions it’s deprecated.
I don’t know much about rtkbase, but it’s using imp.
Try version 3.10, if it’s available in your distro.

I’m going to need an explanation. What is a distro? How to I access it? How do I make rtkbase use it? I am about ready to reinstall Ubuntu 22.04 which contains 3.10.