RTKBase: a GUI for your own Gnss Base Station

Ubuntu 22.04 is a linux distro. i use Fedora 39.
I don’t think this works in 24.04:
sudo apt install python3.11

Is anybody else haven problems in updating 2.4.1 version to 2.5.0? When I do the update in the web service, the web service is not anymore accessable after the update, but the correction messages are still coming. I tried to start the web_service manually with terminal without any success. How to update it using terminal, if it reqires that? I’m not so experienced with it and didn’t find simple guide anywhere.

Ok so now my system is messed up. I got the web server to run on Ubuntu, set everything up best I could, but can’t get RTK fix. I can recieve RTCM messages on my phone but they must not contain the necessary information. Anyone have advice?

Ok I’m back up. Whew!

So I went back to my windows PC running STRSVR. I had to open u center and go to TIMEMODE3 and re enter my base location, then go turn the RTCM messages back on.

I’m interested though to get the Linux up and running. What an I doing wrong?

Which GNSS board are you using?

It’s an F9P

I have the same thing. @Stefal
Worked with 2.4.1, but when I updated to 2.5.0, I can’t connect to the webserver.

@Jussi @Davidwedel
I need as much information as you can, and please create an issue:

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If yo have an Ardusimple board with an Xbee slot, this is a simple way to get a plug and play RTK base for $75.

That doesn’t sound right to me. RtkBase should be configuring timemode3 and the base station coordinates for you doing all of this for you in software. Shouldn’t have to do anything directly with the f9p.

That’s what I was thinking. I tried the configure option a couple times. It obviously did re configure the f9 time mode as well as output messages.

I think Rtkbase doesn’t put in time mode3, its use some ubx data from the receiver and make the calculations on the raspberry.

I don’t even know if Rtkbase can just forward RCTM sentences.

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Oh yes you are right. That’s one reason I like RtkBase so much. Just have to plug in the F9P and click a button and it’s good to go. Makes relacing failed hardware easy.

So why doesn’t it work for me? I need raspberry?

Certainly an option but a bit more expensive. For a base I would use Ethernet instead of WiFi. There is an Ethernet NTRIP master too but much more expensive. I don’t think these can compete with RTKBase.

I think they can compete in terms of being easier for non-computer folks to get a base station up and running.

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Ya I’m definitely sticking with Ethernet. I’m actually using spark funs RTK Surveyor unit which includes an f9p. Maybe there are some settings/communications with the other hardware in there that is messing with RTK base. I think the only other hardware is an esp32 and a battery though

HI I have a super cheap base station. It is an old used chromebook converted to run tiny10 windows and strsvr and skytraq receiver. Bonus part of this setup is it will run for several hours on it own battery with no problem.
So far the only problem is when it gets unknowingly unplugged.

Question I have is there an easy way to get windows to send email notification when it switches from plugged in mode to batttery mode? Then I would have time to plug it back in before it shuts down.

Ok so I tried my Ubuntu system here again today. STRSVR was working on my Windows PC so I just unplugged my device and plugged it into my Ubuntu system without changing any settings in the f9p. It started streaming immediately, all looks ok, but no fix. My receiver just sits on DGPS. I have the same messages coming from the stream. Is there some information missing in the RAW data from the f9p?

Have you tried using the “Detect and configure” button?