RTKBase: a GUI for your own Gnss Base Station

My base station hasn’t shown any satellites on the web interface for about six months. I haven’t had time to look into why that is. But the base station itself is actually running just fine. Both radio and ntrip working. So I haven’t worried about it.

Granted I’m still running an old version of RTKBase.

Hi !

RTKBase version 2.6.3 is almost ready. I’ll need testers, especially for updating from an older version of RTKBase. Procedure:

  • Avoid testing on a production base station
  • Save settings (Settings → Backup)
  • Download https://rtkbase.eu/rtkbase_beta/rtkbase_2.6.3.tar.xz
  • Open http://your_base_ip/settings?update=manual page
  • In the update window, there’s a field for choosing a file. Click on it and select the file you downloaded earlier.
  • Click on “Submit”.

Changelog :


I am willing to test 2.6.3 on my test base stations. I have two runing rtkbase 2.6.2 um980 branch on a rasberry pi 4b and an orange pi zero 3 with um980 recivers attached to both via uart.

The page http://your_base_ip/settings?update=manual_page doesn’t seem to come up for me on my 2.6.2 install.

I tried installing over my 2.6.2 install via

cd ~
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Stefal/rtkbase/dev/tools/install.sh -O
chmod +x install.sh
sudo ./install.sh --all repo --rtkbase-repo dev

but it was still showing 2.6.2 on the bottom of the screen. So maybe i am missing something.

Also, if you could add ttyS5 for the orange pi zero 3 that would be great. I enabled 2 and 5 in the overlays but could not get 2 workig. 5 is right next to the PWR/GND so that is the most logical place to hookup the uart connections.

So far the orage pi zero 3 on 2.6.2 I would have good gnss data for around 5 days then the quality would decrease and then i would have to manually reboot it. Maybe this is something that has been fixed in 2.6.3.

Hi @Stefal

Will rtkbase run on a Raspberry Pi 5?

Maybe a stupid question but I only see mention of RP4 and orange pi.

Currently pi5 are easiest to source for me.

Remove _page

Did you replace ‘your_base_ip’ with your base ip ?

Hmmm, that’s strange. It looks like a hardware issue with the receiver.
Do you see the same behaviour with your 2 UM980?

It should.

Done !

I ended up re-imaging both the test raspberry pi 4b and orange pi zero 3 with a um980 and both saw and configured the um980 successfully on the latest dev version.

So far the signal quality has improved around 3% from previous versions of rtkbase on both setups. Almost approaching x5 level performance in my opinion.

I will continue to monitor for reliability on my particular hardware design.

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Made some videos showing how to put up your own base:

Part1: https://youtu.be/fdhNE5D1g9w
Part2: https://youtu.be/vgqqXpgIloQ


RTKBase 2.6.3 is available

To update your base, just press the “Check update” button on the “Settings” page, and wait for a few minutes.


[2.6.3] - 2025-02-16


  • New Linux/Windows Gui to detect online Station.
  • Add Unicore UM980/UM982 support (rtcm3 mode). #351
  • Add api to get basics informations about the base station (/api/v1/infos)
  • Add Zeroconf/Avahi service definition to get a fast online Rtkbase station detection.
  • Detect Gnss receiver firmware version during receiver detection. #428
  • GUI → Logs: Non-zipped files can be convert to rinex. #348
  • GUI → Settings: Display network informations.
  • GUI → Settings: Better changelog display (Convert markdown to html).


  • Faster Septentrio Mosaic-X5 detection


  • Fix some services were not restarted after saving new settings in the main service.
  • Fix pystemd result request for timer services. #162 #445
  • Increase free space for archiving Mosaic-X5 data. #369
  • Various fixes #441 #443 #450


  • GUI → Logs: Fix path traversal vulnerability.

Hi! Can skytraq receivers be installed in the program? Quite a few people use skytraq receivers as base stations.

RTKBase won’t detect and configure a skytraq Gnss receiver, but you can set it manually to output a rtcm3 stream, and it should work.

When programming the RTKbase to record the base signal and create an archive, the file service does not generate a .ZIP file.
Do you have any ideas about the problem plz?

How would a software update improve accuracy with all of the same hardware? Also, how are you coming up with these numbers?

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Quality on the depin gnss project onocoy states that my quality has gone from a high of about .93 to .968 not a huge difference. Could also be a change to onocoy’s quality metric algorithm.

Raspberry 4b and orange pi zero base stations continue to perform well on the new code.

That’s a head scratcher. I have no idea what they mean by “quality.”

The zip file is created nightly. You’ll need to provide useful information if not (screenshots etc)

SD card full ?

Hello Stefal
Are there a log of failed login attempts on port 2101? if not any idea how I can achieve this, I want to use “fail2ban” to automatic logout bad actors, I have other rpi exposed to web with one open ports and after
Up time 402 days = 61000 + login attempts.
regards form

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If you use an external caster, you don’t have to open the port 2101.

If you use the internal caster, take a look at the local caster service logs :
journalctl -u str2str_local_ntrip_caster.service