Look like your roll is level. That leaves was to be the one to adjust. Change was zero until tractor follow ab line.
After you fix the wheel angle zero like said above, turn on the integral in the PP settings (blue tractor) set it somewhere between 10 & 20 and AgOpen will self correct any errors.
Where is your antenna located? Is it centered or on the side of the cab?
Thank you. It was the WAS zero issue.
I know having WAS dialed in is key to a good PID…but will integral account for small WAS errors ? Is that what it was implemented for is what Im asking…I have had very little luck with PP and mostly use Stanley so I havent used integral any time I turn it up past 10 the tractor over corrects
Testing on belarus tractor.
Tractor is with no symetrical hidraulic piston(puls in and out on one side)
I am pretty new to AOG and having real challenges getting it to follow a line. I am using 5.6.2 with Panda. Communicating with UDP.
It seems like no matter how i set things, it oscillates across the line. The only way i can get it to follow fairly well is to set look ahead at >4. In a smooth flat field it will follow similar to our old starfire itc with waas. But when you go to a field with terraces it is unworkable because it takes so long to correct.
I am quite confident of my WAS setting and low pwm. I have sidehill and integral set to 0. My antenna is 55 inches ahead of pivot axel. We accidently set it at zero and it seemed to actually work better.
Tap the speed at the top of the screen, a window will open up. How many Hz is your gps running at?
Motor Settings:
P 92
Max 126
Low 44
Min 40
Pure pursuit settings:
Look ahead: 4.8
Speed gain 2.3
Sidehill&integral at 0
Is roll filter at zero?
I also see the red arrow, drive forward manually and tap the tractor in the middle of the screen.
Roll filter was at 1, changed to 0
If you bump your box does the roll angle update?
Bump which box?
The one with the Bno in it, to make sure the value is changing
Pulled out Bno, held “level”, at 45°, and 90° Seemed to measure really close to what looked right
It does seem interesting that 9251 NMEA Strings have been missed from AgIO
Are you running your own f9p setup or loaded a aog config to it?
Try increasing Low to 100, it made a world of difference to me, also try pp look ahead 2.2 and speed gain 1.
Ortner configuration