Ublox F9P - Config for rover

HDOP goes up to 6.5 on my tablet. How can I fix.

Where are you getting your corrections from?

COM LPT is in the section.

Ok thats good.

So how do you get RTK correction from your base station, to your rover?

I was receiving a signal from the top of the Turkish state. very rare occasional rupture. I thought it was due to the RTE modem. I rotated 3dp antennas with 9dp antennas. signal is strengthened. I was unable to retest the RTK breakout as my running system was broken.

I am using dell venue pro. Could the usb port be deformed? I have a different machine like chuwi, it works perfectly.

I sent a u-box mail and I could not get any results from there. Although I did everything in the right place, the result is disappointing.


Looks like Turkey invested heavily in RTK! Good Investment!

The Ublox does not seem happy with the corrections its getting. What type of connection did they give you? VRS requires sending your GNGGA position back to the server.

FKP as Turkey calls it is a direct connection to a single basestation. But it needs to be the closest station to your location.

I’m getting the gngga signal. The nearest station is 20 km away. Our signal quality is very good. There are 3 different tops belonging to my location, we can receive signals from all of them.

Did you solve this problem?
Maybe the windows update" broke"the driver and think it is a sensor.
Fix can be found in this thread Morten p posted earlier:
Com problem after windows10 upgrade!
When windows updates to version 21H1 ardusimple F9Ps won’t work because windows now sees them as sensors and they disappears as com ports.
The problem and solution is described here:


Com problem after W10 Upgrade - ArduSimple

Have a simpleRTKB kit. Have them configured and upp and running and after som auto Win10 upgrade to 20H2 i lost Comport to USB. The connection to Com 2 works and i can see it. I have 2 computerse one is version 20H2 and 21H1 and it happend in…

What are the signal levels of the satellites you see in u center?

I think it sees 5dp. dell venue pro. I think the problem is with the tablet. It’s overheating and the battery is swollen. The battery back cover has come off. There is a very high probability that the tablet has a usb fault.

Hopefully you have better luck with your next tablet, it is very unfortunate when an internal battery expands.

Unfortunately the battery was bad. The old one had 4gb ram. The new tablet has 8gb ram. even the routing is very different, even the routing speed is very different. The margin of error has officially dropped to zero. The old tablet was making mistakes because it was getting hot. Thank you very much for your help.


Glad to hear you are back up and running!


The configuration .txt doesn’t exist in this new discourse, I had to download it from the old one, the new link is broken or something.

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The old site is now down, does anyone have a working link for the config txt, please?


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When I bought the antenna, I have to do some configuration or can I connect the antenna to ago?

Hey folks, I’m running u-center to do a PPP and after about 12 hours the software gets super laggy and the data in the packet console is about 10 minutes or more behind real time.

Did anyone else have this problem? Any advice to get it to record smoothly? Could this affect the quality of my base station?

I notice that too if I leave u-center connected after doing some bench testing. If I disconnect in u-center it doesn’t get laggy but you need to stay connected to record, correct? What is your f9p update rate set at? Most base stations run at 1hz but if you started with a rover config it might still be at 10hz, something to check. Maybe for PPP purposes it could be even lower, like 0.1hz?