UDP & GPS Connection Issue

Hurray!! I’ve got it connected now.

I’ve got communication with my WAS, but I’m not picking up any roll from my CMPS14. I was getting it from USB. Is there something else I need to upload for it?

I’m so grateful for your help!

Is the cmps mounted on the pcb or is it a separate module

it is on the PCB

That’s a tough one. If you press the reset button on the nano will it work?

You’re a wizard!!! That did it!

While I thought that would set me home free, I’m still having trouble connecting the GPS to AgIO. Every time I plug it into serial, it connects through COM4, and AgIO does not like COM4 as stated in my previous posts. I have restarted the computer several times and updated the driver to no avail. I’ve plugged in other devices trying to get them to take the COM4 spot so the GPS will hit a different port, but its not working.

Nor is the device working via Bluetooth. I have updated its driver and tried everything I can find on the internet to repair it, and tried different baud rates. All this while it works perfectly well in uCenter on COM4.

I’m at a loss. What do I need to get this thing on UDP?

Can I just use one of these like I’m using to connect to my laptop? Amazon.com

So you will have to modify the auto steer ino by adding a dely. Sometimes when the pcbv2 board is powered externally the nano starts up before the cmps14, and it wont show up. I’ll have a look there was a post about this. What gps boad is it? Is it the new micro board?

Mine is the RTK2B Lite board.

The 2 options you have are build the new teensy panda board, or you can get a uart to ethernet adaptor

When you are in ucenter how have you been changing the baud rate? Is it in configuration view on uart2? That module you have should work

I changed the baud rate a few times in uCenter, but it seems to like 38,400 best. I am not sure what configuration view is. I am talking with the ardusimple team to see what help they can offer.

is panda included in the all-in-one board? i’m lurking on this sub for a couple days now and am wondering about this.

PANDA functionality is in the AIO board, yes.

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So I communicated with ArduSimple’s support team. They had me download a serial bluetooth terminal app, and they’ve told me that my device F9P is not sending data via bluetooth. When I told them I had formatted the device per these instructions, they told me to return it to default settings like this.

I know that I need to build a Panda Board to simplify things, but I need to figure out how to get what I have working because I need to be planting April 1. Is there something that I need to change in the F9P configuration that Brian used to get Bluetooth to work? I am going to try to restore the device to manufacturing defaults, then reconfigure it per the instructions above.

Concerning the panda board. It looks like the pcb is designed for the SimpleRTK2B Budget version, but mine is the Lite version. Is there a pcb built for my version of the RTK receiver?

I also found this: Ethernet NTRIP Master - ArduSimple. That looks like it will connect my board via UDP, but it also looks like it does a lot more than that. Has anyone used one of these before? It sure is expensive, but if it makes it work…it’ll be worth it.

Do you know what baud your xbee is working at?
I got a new red xbee looking like yours, they are supposed to be pre set at 38400 but mine was set at 9600.

i thought it was 38400. how can i make sure?

I don’t know, I just tried different baud rates for f9p uart2 (the f9p output used by xbee)