V4 all-in-one PCB

If you go deep enough they seem to be there :smiley:

Maybe I do not understand… You show me the AIO4.5? But that is not what I have…
My board:
The AIO4.5 board:

No my picture show ALSO the V4 schematics.
But you can also check the wiki to see if your board have or have not the corrected traces, mentioned in fixes.

This is just a bad idea from the marketing team :sweat_smile:

It stands of AOG v5 which is not revelant since it could work with any version with the correct firmware.

Yes this seem to be the v4.0 version.
Check the first post here for the spec and there’s also a link to the v4.5 to see the enhancements.

There’s nothing really wrong with your board.
The only thing to notice is that pin 18 and 12v_in are probably connected by error. If you want separate inputs you must cut the trace.

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Who did you buy it from? Maybe they can answer your questions. It looks like an early version 4.x but why is it missing the version number? I’d would ask your seller.

If you bought a V4.0 from me(diyfarmtech.ca) the trace is cut so cytron power isn’t shorted to 12v.

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Thank you for the answers. I am ferly certain this is the AIO4.0 standard. Neither the 4.1std nor the 4.5std has an integrated fuse holder like I have on my board. Unfortunately, the links in the first post are dead.
I bought it from https://navisklep.pl/ and I have been in contact with him. He has tried to help but not managed to provide the files.
Now I am having problems getting the motor to work and I have moved my issues to the following thread. Any input would be appreciated.
AIO4.0 first start motor problem

Hi, unsure if this has been asked before and I can’t find it but…

I bought an AIO board from a website on here, all I needed to add (I thought) was the GPS receiver f9p. However there’s another empty slot marked RTK radio. Do I need this or don’t I? What do I put in this space and where to get from? Attached a photo for reference

You don’t need it unless you’re using radio corrections for RTK.

So I’ll still have RTK without it? Just by connecting to my phone hotspot?

That’s right.

Hello everyone,

I’ve been stuck on an installation issue for several days and haven’t been able to solve it. I have an all-in-one micro v.3 board with the necessary modifications, two F9Ps, and a BNO085.

I configured both F9Ps independently using AOGConfigOMatic, and it indicated that they were correctly set as they came from the factory.

The problem is that I can’t get the two F9Ps to connect via UDP (see attached image).

Could someone using dual F9P on the all-in-one board advise me on what might be wrong? Any suggestions regarding hardware checks or configuration issues would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Did you flash both firmware and configuration in configomatic?

Yes, a configuration of one F9P on the right and the other on the left. It showed me that the factory version was valid.

Are both antennas in clear view of sky? With duel antenna they won’t connect to Ethernet without satellite signal, from my experience!

I can’t tell for sure, but is the 6 pin header on the teensy?

Yes, it has the 6 soldered pins.

Please tell us what you think they were set at. It must be firmware number you are referring to?

Try to connect to teensy’s USB board, and checkout the serial monitor. You will see if there is any packed GPS Message transmitted