V4 all-in-one PCB

I bought this board ready made thinking it was the latest AIO board a few months back, but now I am just getting more and more confused… I am starting to believe it is the first version of the AIO version 4.0. Anyone have the easyEda files for that so I can compare? They do not seam to be available on the github…

If you go deep enough they seem to be there :smiley:

Maybe I do not understand… You show me the AIO4.5? But that is not what I have…
My board:
The AIO4.5 board:

No my picture show ALSO the V4 schematics.
But you can also check the wiki to see if your board have or have not the corrected traces, mentioned in fixes.

This is just a bad idea from the marketing team :sweat_smile:

It stands of AOG v5 which is not revelant since it could work with any version with the correct firmware.

Yes this seem to be the v4.0 version.
Check the first post here for the spec and there’s also a link to the v4.5 to see the enhancements.

There’s nothing really wrong with your board.
The only thing to notice is that pin 18 and 12v_in are probably connected by error. If you want separate inputs you must cut the trace.

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Who did you buy it from? Maybe they can answer your questions. It looks like an early version 4.x but why is it missing the version number? I’d would ask your seller.

If you bought a V4.0 from me(diyfarmtech.ca) the trace is cut so cytron power isn’t shorted to 12v.

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