I think I have it adjusted pretty good now and can U-turn both ways fairly well, but my counts per degree are only 26 ish unfortunately. I may try the stock sensor again and see if I can get it to work and have a full range to work with that way.
Also on a side note for some odd reason the degree read out on the bar at the bottom of the autosteer settings menu would work fine when drive button was on (green) but when off (red) the green bar would work but the number for the degree would be frozen or just show zero all the time. I never had that happen in the old version but it likes doing that in version 4.
Hello @BrianTee_Admin i had also some issues with the counts per degree. I have measured the outer Diameter of the circle with Max. Steering angle. I have calculated the outer angle and the in ner angle. But i guess in AOG SetPoint(grĂŒn) is the angle for the virtuell(middle) wheel betwenn the outer and inner wheel. So is then the best way to adjust counts per degree as lang as, the wheel angle sensor(Red) matches the calculated one in my case.35.7 °Screenshot_20200613_085919_com.android.gallery3d|240x500
Regards Peter
Measurements and calculations only you get you started. You can adjust the counts per degree up or down and see if guidance gets better or worse.
Ackermann steering, yes. the easiest way is to make sure the WAS is centered, turn the wheels all the way one way, check the angle, then all the way the other and set the Ackerman so they read about the same.
The Ackermann ajustment works fine i think for the wheel angle i need to change the counts per degree as lang as the calculated Max. virtuell centered wheel matches the display ed one in AGO? Or is it really just trial and error?
Regards Peter
I am new here and I just start working on diy auto steer I have John Deere 8400 and John Deere 9229 can any body help me out where to install WAS I attached jd 8400 and 9220 pictures plz pin in out thanks in advance
A clarification, in my case I am installing it on a front bridge carraro 20.19, the king ping has an angle of 7Âș, if I have understood it wrong, I must not join the perpendicular to the ground, I must put it parallel to the king ping, therefore with an angle of 7Âș.