AIO Micro Output Speed Questions

Has anyone used the output speed pulse to supply a speed signal to either a Rauch Quantron M speader controller or a RDS Artemis drill controller?

The drill controller has a RDS satspeed 2 gps reciever on it at the moment and Im wondering if I can just connect the speed pulse output to the input on the controller. Satspeed specs are:

The Quantron M has the 7 pin plug and takes either radar, gps or wheel magnets. Could speed pulse output from AOG just be feed into Pin 1 below?

Any input is appreciated

I think it’s like the ISO connector:

Yes, if you have a V4 board, you can plug the SPEED+ pin, it wont hurt the controller.
Maybe it will need a 2k pullup to work.

Follow this tread:

Thanks for that, I will give it a go :+1:

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