All in One PCB

Very good. But it would be interesting to keep F9P Standard updated as well. I have more access to the F9P STD than to the micro.

Can we use the all in one with a udp to USB adapter ?
My tablet doesn’t have a udp port

Yes, a USB → Ethernet adapter should work fine.

Yes, gigabit adapter. I have been using one for a long time. Nice part is you dont drop the usb connection when you hit a bump and have to stop and reconnect. If its plugged in and loses connection it connects back on its own. Of course a zip tie eliminates that all together.

Added two gaps for AMP connector. Thx to Peter Scherer

New Standard Special with screws (AMP connector) (718,0 KB)

Updated first post about 3Dprint

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I placed an order at jlcpcb. They sent an email and ask the following:
Can I confirm that?

Thank you @Jhmach for putting together this design!

Other than the CNY172M it seems to have everyone populated by JLCPCB

(Before you ask I already have place for almost all the boards and didn’t even advertise yet)

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There was some discussion in Telegram about positioning IMU horizontally.

I have mounted my new PCB vertically and switched the code so it seems like IMU is working correctly on showing the tilt of the tractor. Is there some problem with something else if BNO is not horizontal?

And if so, is there some easy way to change the mounting, I wouldn’t like to use wires and make new mount for it.

Edit: I am testing and now it looks like it doesn’t work vertically. Tilt goes same way either side when twisting the board. Could I use CMPS14 instead or does it have the same problem?

It bothers me that the hands are not taken in one piece. The Teensy was difficult to put on. The distance in a collision is always a little too big. I will solder the Haeder myself next time.

I agree, but for the Teensy I find if you break the headers according to the PCB sockets it works much better.

Did anybody tried out a pure through hole variant already ?

So my plan is to mount BNO on the cover of the box like this:

Then it is horizontal when box itself is vertical. Just a shame to have those annoying extra wires in there since everything else is so nicely mounted on the PCB.

Anyone know if it ok to drill those holes in the corner of the BNO little bigger? At the moment my plastic screws don’t fit them so I’d need to make them bit bigger.

I my self would just glue it there. Then its removeble and no holes are made i front panel.

Double sided tape is awesome.

Not sure if Gorilla double sided tape is available worldwide but it is great for add ons.

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I use a tape that is made to fix trim on cars. That is what holds my WAS in place - 3 yrs now. Awesome stuff get it at auto parts store.


In Europe , I used this to fix the bn0 flat on the pcb
 very strong.


I would like to buy one of your pcbs, I’m in QuĂ©bec. Do you have any left?

I’m all out right now. I’m not sure when/if I’ll order more before spring, I kind of need to focus on other projects now.

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Hi, IÂŽve been dreaming about Agopengps autosteer system for couple of years and I finally have begun ordering parts to make it happen. My all in one pcbs are ready to be shipped from JLCPCB, their library was out of these parts. I tried to find this info obout missing parts from the forum and the wiki, but found these to be under TODOs, so here we come with quostions. Maybe the answers coul be put in the wiki? Which of them are CRITICAL for the board to work at all? What I could use to replace them? Where to source from? What Agopengps functions need which parts or what functions I will be missing with the parts I cannot source from anywhere? I know the last part of the list was supposed to be sourced from elsewhere anyway, CN2 to U901 are harder to find and there are not enough info for electrical newbie to find out what are the critical charteristics in the components to look at in replacements. I hope this makes sense and the answers would help many more and be easily found. Thanks for the inspiringly awesome community you have here and the program you have developed! It gives hope for a better future.

Welcome to AgOpenGps!

You need to give more details of how you intend to steer your tractor, using a electric motor like a Phidgets with cogs or a foam wheel, using hydraulic valve or perhaps tractor is steer ready or even using Canbus?

CN2 you need for the Teensy Ethernet, an example of a suitable part:

U14 is only need for a Danfoss valve, you probably don’t need this.

U10, U19, U9 and U11 are just standard 2.54mm female headers, they are 4 position, you can order 4 position ones but it can be easier to use longer ones, but I cannot see your board so cannot say for sure what lengths you need.
U8, U903 you are again female headers, they specify 20 position, I think its actually 24 position you want, these will be for the Teensy headers. JLCPCB will use a 20 position plus a 4 positon to make 24, but this makes it harder to insert the Teensy. Example of 24 pin header:

C24 and C25 are 25V 1000uF Capacitors, for example:

U16 and U17 are Canbus chips, you probably don’t need these but we need to know your intended setup.
D7 is just a diode.
U7 is a chip for generating speed pulse, again you probably don’t need this.
U901 you almost certainly dont need,its for ByNav.
The rest JLCPCB don’t stock so you just buy from Digikey or Mouser etc.
Cytron MD13S is out of stock in most places at the moment.

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