All in One PCB

I’m not getting any GPS/RTK LED light at all. (Ethernet is green, Steering is Red). Tablet shows a green UDP icon but all the component icons are neutral (not red or green).

I have my standard pcb on the bench and have attached a WAS and a 12v battery. It’s plugged into the antenna (positioned outside) and to my tablet with an Ethernet (CAT 5e only) cable.

The F9P has the “PWR” light on, “NO RTK” is on, and “GPS Fix” is blinking. Teensy has a rapid orange blink and the BN008X is lit.

When I turn off the PCB and plug the F9P directly into the tablet with usb it shows a green antenna icon.

Any thoughts where to check? I did some poor soldering on the F9P but it still seems to work in isolation.

Where are you guys locating the 12v/24v converter? I have a standard size, single F9P board with the 3d printed case and wondering where to wire it in. Have people drilled an additional hole to get wires to the 24v input terminal, or have found a converter that fits inside the case with the pcb and getting 12v from the board? Thanks!

I also have a problem, the gps/rtk led does not light up. The old version worked (5.6.2) but when I updated to 5.7.1, teensy 5.5 and f9p 1.32 doesn’t work, f9p won’t connect. Are the versions compatible? Do I need to change the baud rates?

Hi guys were Can I find the all the coding for a all in one
pcb and teensy

Have you updated the F9P firmware and config files, you need to set Uart1 to 460,800.

Yes put the latest ino firmware on the Teensy, update F9P with the firmware and config files in the support folder, set Uart1 to 460,800.

Sometimes I’ve found I need to flash the Teensy firmware a second time.

No don’t put converter in the case, not a good idea having electrical interference so close to PCB.
The converter needs keeping cool as well, put it somewhere else in the cab and just run cables to the box.

I use Hammond cases and bring the 24V in through the back panel.

Why the schematics are cluttered in some areas preventing the reading of prefix and value ?

Is it a problem of my settings in EasyEDA ?



Nothing wrong with you settings. You can move the text where you want it. We put both smd and tht components and the names overlap in places. We were more concerned with being able to get component options than with neatness.

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“set Uart1 to 460,800”

Where do I change this?

In U-centre, u-center

how do i download the firmware for the teensy 4.1?

Click on the green ‘Code’ button, then find the relevant labeled folder.

Install Arduino IDE, and install the Teensy boards:

Then open the autosteer.ino file, it should open 12 tabs.

Plug a USB cable into the Teensy and connect it.

Then click on upload.

yeah finally did it just coundnt find the download button
Have plugged everything it in and sorted out the udp but the imu doesn’t light up

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Try installing the Teensy firmware again.

im not using the 12v just the usb and udp

I’m assuming you have a BNO085 or CMPS14 mounted on the board.

Are the three LEDs on the PCB all red?

You don’t need 12V for all three icons to go green and three red LEDs on the board, or the Ethernet led will be green if plugged in.

do i have to downclok the teensy ?

Yeah all the lights were on but then went on ublox and configured the f9p again now the middle one isn’t on

Is this supposed to appear on the teensy