All in One PCB

Teensy messages are fine.

Got them all now

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got another problem the led for gps isnt on again
But it’s seems that I have gps on agopen
Aswell the roll is the wrong way around

Click on the blue square icon on the left hand side, maximise the window that pops up, you can invert the IMU here.

You are running dual F9P’s so you may need to change settings? @andyinv ?

the imu its back to front iverting it will not work

I have used the 2 first config

Is this correct for 2f9p

Heading is Left F9P
Position is Right F9P

But the led doesnt turn on
It only turns on if its on 38400

There must be something wrong

The dual F9Ps are your IMU in this setup.

You need the Uart1 to be 460,800

Did you save the config files?

It’s not enough to upload them, you have to go into the ‘Messages View’ window and ‘send’ the config to save them.

But why wouldn’t the ledturn on

It doesn’t if the Uart1 is not correct, I had this same scenario a couple of weeks ago.

Yeah i upload and saved like 4 times still nothing

The configs are already at 460k. Make sure your antennas are in clear sky.
I assume you updated your F9P’s to version 1.32 before you loaded the configuration files

Yeah updated saved it and then configured then saved again for both f9p

The second time i configured the heading f9p i used a cofig that was 38400 and 1hz and the led turn on iven without any antena conected

Are in both f9p the uart1 and 2 460kbps.
Tried in a open space still no gps light I think I got gps

Try using a decent 12V power supply. You may be asking a bit much from the USB power.
Avoid chaining pigtails, every additional connector can weaken the antenna signal with up to 1 dB.
Check the F9P LED’s, they are telling you there is no GPS fix and no RTK. The PCB LED’s can be misleading. Are you using dual GPS or IMU for roll? (setting in AOG)

Well I think is the setting because I have got the to light up and
And I don’t know yet but at the moment the imu is showing front and back roll instead of left to right
and the only way that the pcb ligth turn on is if its on braudrate 38400