AOG Autosteer Dual GPS PCB

Emails arrived, Micro F9P shipped from Ardusimple. Along with a request for £145 import tax!! Let’s hear it for Brexit!!!

It is obsolete, but is up to date as far as the code goes. It is the same as the version that we released on the link below, except doesn’t have the Deutsch or Ampseal connector. We have also added surface mount or through hole option, along with a surface mount ADS1115 and 2 can bus controls, status LEDs and some other features. None of these will hinder the older board from functioning.

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Could my issues with the pressure sensor have anything to do with the software on the teensy?

What is the exact sensor you have?

How have you connected it? What Teensy pin is it connected to?

Have you checked the signal wire with a multimeter?

Remember the Teensy can’t have anything over 3.3volts


I would like to ask for help.
I would like to order the panel from jlcpcb.
Unfortunately, the following items are not available, can you suggest alternatives?

  • C24205
  • C206183
  • C387820
  • C401847
  • C454188
  • C899072

Thank you for your help!

I searched out some of them.
899072 is a 4N35 optocoupler in 6 pin DIP form
401847 is 1000uF Capacitor. Use the through hole for the original V2 board
24205 You can use a 2N2222A transistor. through hole
If you want to wait a few days, we are making some corrections to the boards, and by waiting, some of these components may become available. I waited a week on my last order and all but 2 components became available, of which I had in my stock pile.

I just noticed what thread we are on.
This board is going to be obsolete. Be sure to use the latest all in one, which by the part numbers, I see you are

I am not completely sure what kind of sensor it is as it is very hard to see or get to. It is on a Eaton Vickers valve and has 3 pins. I have the signal pin going to A0 and am supplying it 12 volts.

Most are +5v and gnd and signal

Thank you very much for your help!
I’ll wait for the fix.

If anyone is interested here is a version of the board with the BNO footprint, and some very minor modifications. The cytron mounting holes have been changed to a step up converter

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hello can someone help me? I am installing dual antenna with teesny 4.1. I’ve updated to 1.32 on both cards. 1.32 is configured in dual antenna, do you think it is a good choice? I am using 5.7.2 peogram. I have installed the recommended 1.32 configurations in the latest version repository.

Dual Position uart 1 460800 uart 2 460800, Dual RelPos uart 1 115200 uart 2 460800,

When uart made 1 460800 in RelPos, agopen lost the signal.

Did you save the configuration on position before moving to relpos?

I recorded it, the signal quality is fine, the rtc is connected. balance scale does not work.

I’m running the latest from master with the configurations from the repository using V1.32 update from there as well.
460k on uart 1 and 2

You do have the f9p PVT position in the “Right” board position?
and relposned as “Left”?

In agopen 5.7.2, the antenna is red. When I activated VTG and GGA uart 1 on the RelPosNED SOL antenna, it turned green.

Go in agio in the settings and look at the monitor and make sure you are getting paogi sentence

The compass and stabilizer bar worked. I tested it briefly in the field. I’ve been waiting for minutes like in the picture. It is very difficult to connect to the satellite. intermittently the connection goes completely. I think there is a problem with the connection to the satellites. I did what you said, but I think there is something missing. I’ll upload the links one by one.

I am installing 1.13 builds instead of 1.32 builds. I’ll try my luck at 1.13.

I ran 1.13 until just a week or two ago. I only changed to keep from having the confusion between verions when troubleshooting. My has ran flawlessly so far. Not an issue