Using a steering wheel motor, can current sensor or other option for disengaging the autosteer when you turn the wheel be added to the PCBv2? Someone thought it wasn’t possible but wasn’t for sure. It’s definitely a feature I’m going to want.
it’s totally possible. it’s in french but google translate is your friend.
Thank you! I never would have found that on there!
Something to think about when adding the current sensor is if your steer motor is a friction drive or gear drive. I added the current sensor to my pcbv2 and I wasn’t able to get the current settings right due to my setup. In a u-turn you need a higher current setting so it doesn’t kick the motor off when turning around. No big deal, but because I use a friction wheel when I grab the steering wheel to disengage auto-steer the wheel would just slip and not disengage on the higher current setting needed for the u-turn.
Makes sense. I am using a gear drive so I should be alright there.
Try this
no component need just update the INO of the Nano
This Concept is born same what about @Jenron3000 say
Does that produce anymore strain on the motor this way vs a current sensor? That would be my only concern, otherwise that looks amazing!
Is this included in the code now or does it still have to be added?
It is based on error and cumulative so good ajustement give 0.5 -0.8 s to disengage
A quick turn of sterring increase a lot the error and the syteme recognise it easyly
Today it is out of the general code that why you need to download it and load it
- Try and report what do you think as negative and positive point of view
That looks like a great solution! I’m gonna give it a try next chance I get. Currently I just tap a button to disengage but it would be super nice to just grab the wheel to disengage.
So which code do I need to use? There is “Autosteer_UDP_v5_detec_was_err_4” and “Autosteer_UDP_v5_0_virtual_turnsensor”
use the last one
also link in release
Thanks, will do. What is the other folder for then?
this is solution for UDP nano and teensy
is this asnwer correct ?
I am curious about the v5 folder and it’s contents as shown in the picture. What the difference was if any!
yes! it si for old version of AOG under 5.6
I see!