Autosteer Single GPS+IMU+Panda

Hi! Could you send a config file for it?
Thank you


Is this suitable for panda?

If you are using 1.13 firmware, yes!

I have the same problem! Is it resolved?

Enable VTG in ucenter and in agopengps change fix from VTG.

No, for Panda you need to stay with headiygrom Fix, not VTG

It only works for me with 5.6.2! The others have no speed!

In new versions you need re-enable VTG

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Hi Vili,

with new version do you mean AOG 5.6.15 or Panda 5.6?
I enabled VTG wit Panda 5.5 (Basic Panda) and the Teensy froze every few seconds, or it sent empty packages(didn’t take a screenshot) . I haven’t tried GGA+VTG on Panda 5.6 yet.



In 5.5 you don’t need VTG, in 5.6.xx yes. It is very rare that the Teensy freezes just by adding VTG.

What firmware are you using on the F9P?

And what version of AOG and .ino are you using?

my config for single panda +f9p, just put in f9p


Firmware for the Antenna 1.32.
AOG 5.6.15

I disabled VTG and switched to 5.6.2 and all works fine.

Yea, you were using different versions.

Panda 5.5 + AOG 5.6 works fine (it is not obligatory to deactivate VTG

AOG 5.6.15 needs A_Teensy_56 (In folder Support/PANDA2/A_Teensy_56) <—This needs VTG ENABLED


Roger that!

hello for past the panda in udp to powered the teensy I take the 5 v on the pcb v2 and after 30 seconds the teensy no longer comunique if I ally it in usb all goes well . Has anyone had this problem? thank you

What messages are you sending to the teensy. Gga only for basic Teensy, GGA and VTG to teensy 5.6

Hi all, another newbie here,
I finally got my v2 steer board working on the bench and just updated it to UDP. I am ready to start working on the GPS part of the project and with all the exciting development around Panda and finally being able to get my hands on a BNO085 I was hoping to set up my GPS using panda with the Teensy4.1/BNO085/ardusimple over UDP. Prior to learning about panda, I had planned on setting up my base/rover with the Tony configuration files (I have the ardusimple LR kit, poor cell service, and long distances between some of my fields) so I could survey in several spots and use a mobile base station. My question is if those configuration files will still work or if I have to use different ones? Thanks in advance for any help, and I recognize I’ve still got a lot to wrap my head around in terms of how the GPS works.

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I have a V2 board which works very well with version 5.4. However, I would like to try PANDA. However, my tablet has no LAN input. So I’d like to connect via USB. How to do such an upgeade?

You can use a usb>LAN converter, S-link is fine.