Autosteer Single GPS+IMU+Panda

Yes, this is correct, by default it is already configured as Rover. I just changed the Update Rate to 10hz. And I left enabled only VTG and GGA.

Maybe there is a problem with the 3V3 Supply, you are connecting all equipment to teensy’s 3V3 Pin which are able to support max. 250mA! In case of the f9p micro it doesn’t work!!

Have look to Chapter 12

I solve the mystery. The mistake is all mine. I was modifying the code to baudGPS 115200. But after it compiled I was uploading the default HEX that I downloaded from github. So that’s why the code was at 460800 and the card was configured at 115200. My mistake, sorry guys.

All right, I tested RTK by NTRIP and it’s ok. Now I want to test using radio. Can I inject RTCM directly into the Skytraq Board or do I have to put it in Teensy port?

Does anyone have any updated files for a Panda enclosure? Finished printing mine before I realized it doesn’t fit, looks like I have a slightly different pcb.

I take a look, i think that you are printed it’s USB vs

I played around making this, a box for PCBv2 and PANDA. However… I can’t remember if I finished it or not, but it might make a good start:

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Panda Box (3,1 MB)

The other is for old USB PCB, never launched.

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Thank you @Vili and @andyinv. I did see your box for the v2 and panda together and plan to print a couple this winter to use up the rest of my PCBv2s but thought I would print a couple of the panda only boxes for the ones I’ve already got made.

I have a question about the baud settings of Teensy 4.1.
I use V2 autosteer pcb combined with separate box with Teensy 4.1, adafruit bno and f9p.
The teensy is connected to tablet with usb. I use latest 5.7.2 version .

In Agio I have set the usb speed to 115200 (highest) , do I have to match .ino code in teensy to this 115200 for USB use? I did set the F9P to 460800 to talk to teensy, but I think the teensy - tablet connection does not work properly

For the Teensy USBSerial device, the serial baud rate you set doesn’t matter on either side. It is always 1.5 Mbs no matter what.

Thanks for your answer, then this can’t be my problem.

With latest version of aog I have the problem that the GPS position jumps like 10cm left to right in a split second. this happens every few seconds but not at same intervals. Strange thing is somtimes it is working perfect for a while.
I did a lot of things trying to solve this but without succes… different setups of f9p, different sattelite constellations, even both 1.13 and 1.32 firmwares… but no difference at all. I have 3 systems exactly same setup, all act the same…so defective components or connectons seem not to be the problem.

I use wired PANDA system with adafruit bno (no pullup resistors because I read they are in the adafruit bno) with teensy 4.1 over usb and f9p. Roll seems to be stable, setting antenna hight to 0 doesn’t make any difference to the “spikes” of 10 cm left to right.

I was thinking maybe of a data problem or something, that’s where my baudrate question came from.
Even was thinking of going UDP for this, but there must be a real lot of users using 5.7.2 and panda over usb not having this problem…

USB can cause any type of error, have you tried another cable?

In my case I was getting Fix losses, UDP is the best solution

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I have used different usb cables.
Today I went back to 5.5 lego, and corresponding .ino in teensy. I have to say the problem is a lot less, only occured once in 2 hours…
could it be better because of the teensy communicating 115200 to aog and not 460800? Maybe the usb can handle this better?
I will definitely try UDP, already ordered the parts for this so will be this week. Always kept away from UDP because the “complexity of settings” comparing with USB, but now with all new wiki pages made by the aog team I have to get it working :slight_smile: Thanks for all this!!!

I was a big defender of the simplicity of USB, but I’m much happier since I use UDP, just turn it on and zero problems :wink:

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The only event of udp is to set the ip address on the computer. there is nothing behind it.

The latest AiO teensy ino still uses 115200 for it’s serial/usb connection.

you are right, I ment the speed between f9p and Teensy is 115200 in 5.5 and that is 460800 in newest version.

I drove 7 hours today, with 5.5 version, only few times a big whiggle. Disconnecting usb from teensy (and coupled f9p and bno) and plugging in again solved the problem.

Well, wil go UDP and 5.7.2 again and hopefully it will end my problems :slight_smile:

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Caution! If you’re doing U turns 5.7.2 will cause other problems :grin:

like what?