CanBus for Beginners - Super Simple

I tried to connect my new canbus shield v2 with arduino uno to MF 7724. Machine is not steer ready. I’am trying if can get WAS signal through CANBUS. I connected CanH to yellow and CanL to green cable(in X230).

Can you tell me what INO files should I use? I tried with INOs from MCP_CAN_lib-1.5.1

It is possible that wrong INO file is not the only problem. My firs time doing this…

I can not push it to the bottom because of usb, but I think pins have connection

After this I will try to connect Valtra T214 steer ready with two can shields. Is it same files?

Try changing these figures to CAN_250KBPS and MCP_8MHZ first

Follow my thread here for info on which bus it is. If it’s not steer ready tho (and thus you don’t have the engage button on the pillar), you won’t get far steering it I don’t think, but reading the WAS might be do-able: Steering a '22 MF 6718S over CANBUS

Not sure what speed you’re connected to the Arduino for the serial monitor at, but it should 115200

Hey! I have steering ready mf 8680 '12 and i’d like to get it steering from can bus. So i ordered a arduino uno and shield but how am i going to get them working , maybe someone can give easy step by step instructions ? I do have a working solution by rotating steering wheel but interested if it can be done by this.

Follow my guide here: Steering a '22 MF 6718S over CANBUS

I have read this but im not sure if i got the right parts or do i have to build more?

You don’t really need the uno and shield, but you haven’t mentioned what AOG board you’ve made

I have bought it from a another user so haven’t done it by my self :face_with_peeking_eye: is this the board you mean?

I have read this forum and i though that i can change this wheel turning system to work threw can bus with arduino uno + can bus shield but am i wrong. I have the imu and antenna receiver box seperately.

You can use the UNO setup but it has not been updated to the latest v5.7.2 but should still work.

You must disconnect your current steering board and then connect the Uno via USB to AgIO instead of your current steering PCB.

The Valtra program is the one to use.

In AgOpen the tractor arrow in bottom right corner should be red and if you turn the Factory steering switch on the arrow should turn when you manually turn the wheels.

Maybe Project 3 (post 56 here) might be also what you need? It’s pretty old but maybe still relevant

Any suggestions what to try? i can’t get the light to go green and no was signal. Or just order parts and try that project 3?

I am not into CAN, but your picture show almost no speed. AOG has a low speed setting so drive faster than that, and the red tractor might turn green.

Project 3 parts you only need a on/off switch and a potentiometer because you have the Uno and can shield already.

How did the WAS/Red tractor arrow get to 30deg? Normally I thought it would stay at zero without a CAN message

I dont know why its 30 deg and tried to change different settings and it moved to 8 deg. But turning wheel didnt affect. I try tomorrow get those pot and switch to see what happens then. So i put the pot and switch and i should be able to turn the wheels with only one uno+shield. Theres no picture anymore on projekt 3 how to put the wires.

Hey! I can get the arrow to red and yellow by pressing the steering switch in the tractor, and if its yellow in turns to red when i touch steering wheel. Steering angle is 6.7 deg

If it is yellow that means you just haven’t got a valid AB line, field or the steering wheel in bottom right corner of tablet is not green.

Yes i got it doing something. It turns the wheels to the right but nothing more, arrow is to green, so we have to try calibrate the tractor’s was, i think theres the fault now.

Is this how gps should connect?

I can´t get the gps to turn green.

These are in use:
1.32 SingleAntennaRover.txt

Tried both speeds p=115200 and P=460800

RX3 ---- TX1 f9p and TX3 ---- RX1 f9p I think you need to rotate brown and purple on F9P

Yes, it works now. Thank you so much.

@CommonRail, Just a question to your teensy board / modified panda board, how I the teensy usb connection is made, is there a SMD Header between teensy and the pcb which contains the belonging usb plug?