CanBus for Beginners - Super Simple

Also, once resistor removed, make sure the speed is correct - it’ll be 250 probably, 500 if not.

Thanks, that helped with the error issue. After a couple of tries, I was not successful.

I do not get any steer angle in AgOpenGps. Steer button is working, and the ethernet is connected. I am not using the BNO and f9p currently, just wanted to try to get the steer angle and to steer my wheels.
Is it possible that the tractor is not supported?

My setup is the same as described on the mechanicTonys github.

I was looking through the code and found that the CAN3 is used as the main can for tractor steering.

Best regards.

You’re using Tony’s board, or some other?

You’ve engaged auto-steer on the pillar/console of tractor?

I am using Tony’s board. Engaged it with the button on the board itself. It looks like the tractor is not communicating with the board. When I go to show messages there is none displayed.

I think you should be on VBUS? KBUS is joysticks etc

On the Fendt 716 2011 I only have the K-Bus and G-Bus.
I read somewhere on this topic that on older fendts everything is on the K-Bus.

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Yes, 250K.

Here is my setup.
I can not get any reading from the CANBUS.

Any idea what can be the problem?

I tried with the 250 in code it got me the same error as before on the tractor.
It seems that something is happening on the canbus but the messages are filtered.

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You engaged the autodrive system on the tractor? On the Massey I did recently, there’s a GPS button on the pillar. On newer Fendts, its on the console.

I do not have that. This a little older model… I tried starting the tractor.
There is no WAS reading as well.

Are you absolutely sure its a steer ready 716? If it is its a very rare model and spec indeed or it certainly would be here in the uk

I did not know that it must be steer ready.

I was looking at the settings at the tractor and there was steer angle calibration. So I thought it can be read with CAN.

If your wanting to steer it via canbus im guessing its needs to be steer ready with atleast the hydraulic steering valve block and steering angle sensor. These could all be added though so dont give up

That is in the tractor I checked it.

Need a COM3 fendt expert, who succeded with CANBUS.


Hello sorry I am French I translate with Google.
me on a 516 s4 profi + everything works very well, but I did tests on a power so not pre-equipped and nothing works I think in the code if it does not see the valve it does not connect to the can. If anyone has the solution I’m interested.
I send you pictures of my connections that work.

I think so too, it will be a good idea to get the WAS reading if it is possible. It helps a lot that there is an accurate and reliable angle.

Thanks for the info.

So currently the main concern is that the ‘code’ does not recognize the valves?

Yes it would be good for the angle sensor and the buttons there would only be one cytron left to control and the system would be complete but for that the code would have to be modified but I don’t know enough…
If if your tractor and close equipped it works very well by plugging in as on my photos.

The standard code talks to the Fendt steering controller, it doesn’t use the “WAS” as you want it to.

Your best solution is to use a standard PWM board and connect to the analog WAS wire directly.

If the tractor is not autosteer ready it will not work?

Ok tampi I had hoped to recover the was by the can so it’s not possible.