RTKBase: a GUI for your own Gnss Base Station

Try this, but for what its worth, it doesn’t need to be bang on accurate. Only if surveying where absolute precise location is required, from what I can see. You’ll get usable results watching the bar graphs for half an hr, letting it settle and updating the location.

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Thanks for the link, it was exactly what I needed!

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Hi, is it possible to use ublox m8t for the RTK base station?

Possible but not a good idea. These days you want a dual frequency 4 constellation GNSS receiver and m8t would not bring any significant savings.

I have one sleeping inside a box, so before buy another f9p would like to try. Should I do something for m8t configuration?

Try it - if you have it set up in u-center first (as the config file that rtkbase pushes appears to be specifically for f9p), I don’t see why it wouldn’t give something useful. This might come in handy… RTK base station with M8T help - #10 by Francois

Little upgrade. Thanks to a guy named geofis from github, I have installed his version of TouchRTKStation on Raspberry pi4 and 3.5inch screen. Very easy to do following his steps.

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HI GialucaRav
Do you have a link to geofis from github? I’am having a tough time finding that GitHub repository.
Regards from
SE Denmark

GitHub - geofis/TouchRTKStation: Single-Frequency RTK-GNSS Rover/Base Station based on RTKLIB here’s the link

(long time later…) in reply to my earlier post
My file issues was a defective SD-card…


I’m working on the RTKBase next release since some months, and the first public beta is available.

What’s new ? See the Changelog

It’s a beta, so things could go wrong. Please don’t use it on a Gnss base you need to use.

If you find some bugs, please create a ticket on Github

To install it, start with a clean Os and:

wget https://rtkbase.eu/rtkbase_release/rtkbase_2.4b5.sh -O rtkbase_2.4b5.sh
chmod +x rtkbase_2.4b5.sh
sudo ./rtkbase_2.4b5.sh --all bundled

I’ll provide a beta release to upgrade an existing RTKBase installation during the coming weeks.


Thanks for all you’ve done on this! I really appreciate being able to have a simple gui to run my base.

  • Port number for the web server is configurable in settings.conf

Very good idea.

Is it possible to add a preview of active connections ip address?


What do you mean? I don’t understand.

I mean an additional tab “users” in which you can see who is connected to the base

Is it possible to run RTKBase without it setting up the F9P for me? I’d like to try it but I already have my F9P set up the way I need it for my base station (with specified coordinates) currently, but I’d like to play with the RTKBase software.

RTKBase will only automatically set up the F9P if the F9P is connected using USB the very first time you boot RTKBase. On subsequent boots it will not automatically set anything up.

Just don’t have your F9P plugged in the first time you boot and it won’t change your F9P. If you do this and later decide that you want RTKBase to configure your F9P, just follow steps 7 and 8 of the other installation on the main GitHub page.

I haven’t played with U center too much but I assume that you can pull and save configs? Best to make a backup before starting?

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Rtkbase doesn’t use the F9P rctm messages, it calculate it using rtklib from ubx messages.

You must note your coordinates and put it back through the setup page after installation.

Ok, I understand.
When you use a Ntrip caster like rtk2go, there is no “user” connected.
It could be useful only when the local caster is enabled.
Is this relevant ? I don’t know, I should think about it.

This is only a proposal. It’s not important, but it would be nice to have such an opportunity when we share the base with friends.

I don’t use rt2go I have an external ip I can forward port 80 and especially now I can easily change it great option