RTKBase: a GUI for your own Gnss Base Station

No sudo availabe

Hmm, strange, the basegnss user is in the sudoers.

OK, need to check with a fresh install, might be that I messed something up editing the conf files on the SD card earlier. Did a fresh install of Raspi OS lite with rtkbase on top of that, works like charm now.

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I thought about building an NTRIP Station. Do you recommend putting antenna to a long cable on top of grain elevator? Or raspberry etc. there and long ethernet cable to modem? I have a 4G modem in control room for internet connection.

i think :slight_smile:
ethernet or antena wire > ethernet

Puting the antenna in the grain elevator is good for obstacle but not for stability with vibration and temperature

if you have an other place to put the antenna it is better …

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I totally agree with @bricbric
Short antenna cable and long ethernet cable is the best solution. And the grain elevator isn’t a good solution.


My opinion: Just put it on the small silos next to the barn. Its high enough. And in this case the cable of the ann-mb-00 could be long enough and the f9p is in your control room, ready.


I’m planning to release a flashable image for other SBC than Raspberry Pi.

If you have an Orange Pi Zero, you can help me and test this image.

if you want to ssh connect :
login: basegnss
password: basegnss!

I would have liked to test but your link does not work to put a * .zip file here it must be renamed * .zip.txt or * .zip.pdf

So in that case i can mount everything expect antenna in control room seems good.

Just copy link adress and open in browser


Yes. And if you have a good internet connection you can send your data to rtk2go.com. Its easy and your neighbour farmers can also use your correction signal.

I’m having a trouble with the config file for the F9p. I was running RTKBase until recently without problems but had to config the F9p for a test for a new rover. Now I would like to use it for my base again but forgot which config file I should use for it. Any hints in guiding me here?

Latest updates from Ortner.

Just run ./install.sh --detect-usb-gnss --configure-gnss

(if your F9P is connected via Usb)


These config files are unuseful for RTKBase which need RAW data.

Sorry, I wrote it without reading the title :frowning:

anyway I can control the raspberry remotely through wifi, it’s placed under the roof, or do I have to get it down to my windows PC to run these commands?
Sorry, my knowledge about raspberry is almost nonexistent, it just worked flawlessly when I first ran your program half a year ago, so forgot how I did it :flushed:

I use VNC to remotely access the Raspberry for Stefal’s RTKBase.

You need to open a terminal command line on the Raspberry Pi.

If you flashed a SD card with the ready to flash image, you can use a software like putty or MobaXTerm and open a ssh session with your Pi.
Or… I think you can directly use the Windows Powershell terminal and write this:
ssh basegnss@basegnss.local and enter the default password: basegnss!
Then enter the instructions in my previous message.

In a future release, I plan to add a function to detect and configure the F9P from the web interface.