Grade control

Pin 2 and 1.
if using an AiO v4 these could be read directly with steer, work or remote inputs. (but there’s no code for Teensy OG)
On v2 or kapoi pbc I’m not sure the signal would go high enough to change the state, it’s probably OK.
You can’t put these signal directly to the microcontroler

So far I never attempted to read frequencies but I will try in the next weeks for an other project.

I never answered I think :thinking:

I think the height is better calculated if the pts are aligned.

The points should make lines north-south and east-west.
I tried something for random pts but the result was not good.

I would love to have someone taking a look to the code, especially if he has some knowledge for the graphic side.

Du coup la solution serait un convertisseur de tention afin d’exploiter ces valeur là ?
J’attend que vous ailliez une bonne idée de quoi faire de tout ça et en attendant j’essaye à mon niveau de trouver une solution

I haven’t built this yet, but plan to. I would read voltage output to the motor controller you are using. Might be best to use external power supply, vary voltage with tractor running to see what voltage it takes to move your equipment. Could be a valve/ wiring issue. If the deadband changes voltage. That tells you to look at things after Grade control. Voltage reading on control/ signal, input of motor controller, and output of motor controller while hydraulics in motion are helpful to understand the issue.

Is there a teensy sketch for opengrade?
I would like to use a panda board or are there better alternatives?

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currently it’s usb only and there is no roll calculation so you should just plug the F9P directly.

The valve is controlled with a nano, I use a kaupoi board.

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ok, thanks.

I tried Open Grade yesterday using manually. Great work! I can’t wait to connect it to a valve. Is there a way to survey with tool all the way up? I used the raise/ lower cut line. That was really handy. How do you move it decimals of an inch? It shows decimal, but wanted to move only in inch increments. This might be by design since most are using cm. I didn’t try using a keyboard. Thanks

Yeah, I just use metric. Never checked but I guess you re right that it moves in mm or whole inch.
I must admit that I’m not planning to put energy in the imperial units.

@Pat No problem. Good to know so I don’t waste time trying. What about survey? Best to survey with tool on ground?

For Opengrade?
Yeah, it’s now I make it.

For Opengrade3D I put a second antenna and reciever on the tractor and run it on the same tablet with AOG.
In the v6 version of AOG there’s now an elevation file with usable data. I hope make some parser to use it eventually. At least all fields will be automatically surveyed this spring!


I was successful at running box blade valve automatically the other day. Thank you Pat! Best grading I’ve done after dark :grin:. Is there a guide for tuning valve? I was experiencing unusual USB issues the other day. Probably grounding problem. I’m using an ac inverter for the charger. That is probably the culprit.

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Hello, everyone. I would like to share my experience trying OpenGrade in both 2D and 3D modes. I downloaded the latest version from pat’s GitHub. This software offers truly remarkable features.

Firstly, I used an antenna configured to Panda specifications, but faced an issue where Panda was not recognized in 3D mode. The connection is via USB. Is there something wrong with the settings or the connection?

Currently, I collect elevation data in 2D mode, then drag and drop it into conversion software created with ChatGPT, converting it into an AGD file, and displaying it in 3D. However, I am not sure if the conversion is correct. The 3D map seems to show elevations that are close to my perception.

I am looking forward to the ability to directly collect area elevation data in AgOpenGPS.

If anyone has any advice or recommended solutions for this issue, I would greatly appreciate your sharing them.

I will have to look, I must admit I have never tried one. Roll and Pitch is not used yet so no advantage for PANDA so far. It’s USB only.

You only want to collect elevation data? You Can use OG3D, to enter survey mode click on the bottom bar(Grade mode/Survey mode) Then you put the benchmark, drive the boundary the the other points. It will create the .AGS file.
OG3D is intended to make a survey (.AGS file), modify/design the file with 3rd party software(like Optisurface)(creating the ,AGD file) then level with OG3D.

There’s a new format for elevation.txt in v6.0.10
Right now AOG record the pts in Easting/Northing I think, where .AGS/.AGD are already in Lat/Long

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Pat, thank you for your response.

I understand that Panda cannot be used in 3D mode. Your explanation on this matter has been very helpful.

I would like to correct a mistake in my previous explanation regarding data collection in 2D mode. I mentioned that my custom converter outputs AGS files, but in fact, it was incorrect as it outputs AGD files. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

However, I feel something might be wrong with this process.

I have reviewed the elevation.txt feature in AgOpenGPS, and I think it’s wonderful.

I would be grateful for your continued support. I deeply appreciate your valuable input.

Hi nut, do you have any ideas on how to parse .gps files from trimble field level II?

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j’ai pu faire mes premiers essaie avec OpenGrade3d et Optisurface sur une niveleuse cela fonctionne très bien pour le moment par contre nous avons une précision à 10 cm avec une antenne U-blox comment pouvons nous faire pour arrivée à une précision au cm ?
Merci d’avance

C’est dans la config du F9P

Dans la section NMEA il y a “high precision mode” a cocher.

Les dernières configs dans Github/aghardware ont le mode déjà activé.

Super ça fonctionne merci bien

Do you have an example file?

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